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Everything posted by Nearr

  1. Nearr

    Relogger problem

    Edited. wrobot loads second profile (which is farming already) and freezes.
  2. Nearr

    Relogger problem

    After last update I have 2 accounts, and use pauses (task "wait") So, after "wait"ing wrobot use wrong profile. It tries to load currently runned profile. For example, run both profiles. 1st gone to "wait", 2nd continue farming. When "wait" of first profile ends, wrobot loads second profile (not first) and freezes.
  3. relaunched all bots after update, all get correct settings. Will write one more time, when it lauch after pause. ty Seems to me everything is ok
  4. I don't know, now bot saved some profiles, but cant load correct setting's profile. He loads bot2's profile, for bot1, and if I change profile, save, and relog - same happens.
  5. [E] 02:59:24 - ReloggerProfile > KillWRobotProcess(): System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Отказано в доступе в System.Diagnostics.Process.Kill() в Relogger.Classes.ReloggerProfile.KillWRobotProcess() This is error in relogger, after it starts a task after pause. Switched off "Read only" for c:/wrobot
  6. On second PC same problem, and there is no any antivirus.
  7. After last update settings for each window works wrong. First time I thought on my antivirus, but now it's switched off, but settings still doesn't work About problem step by step. I have 4 wow accs. So I make settings on first (mailing, search radius etc.), save it. With other the same. Bots run with pauses, so after pause relogger runs new gather tasks and use for each one bot default profile, without any settings. If I press stop all - start all, he use saved settings for each profile ( but for one he used settings from other profile, there is other mail recipient) Reinstalled bot today, antivirus switched off, all .exe files of bot - from administrator.
  8. tried another fighclass from forum (dll feral) start to loot and mine em what option in fclass could be the reason? I cant find
  9. Bot kills leystone and felslate basilisks (not always), and then don't loot and mine em, but loot and gather all other mobs he killed what can be the reason?
  10. it seems that plugin works not really correct with option "ignore while in travel form" bot gather herb and continue runnin, but if he was attacked right after gathering - he begin to fight, what he didnt with ignore option
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