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Posts posted by eebm

  1. On 24.4.2017 at 8:54 PM, Mangos said:

    This is silly. All the profiles you mentioned do not work. The questing profiles accept a quest then attempt to deliver it over and over without doing the quest. The grinding profiles simply run against walls over and over. If you have to create your own profiles for everything. Then, what is the point in paying for a bot. There are two free somehow working bots with some working profiles, too, and at least they offer something. The author should state that there is no support for the older bots, plain and simple. And yes I am moving back to the free buggy bots. I am so glad that the author offered a trial for the bot or I would not have been pissed if I paid something for this.

    then your fucking hardcore braindamaged and totally retarded and lacking any kind of technical insight.. These profiles works great for me, so why they dont work for you makes me even doubt your human intellegence more... Sorry if my language is against the forum rules but the way this guy writes and the attitude he has makes me sick ... jesus 

  2. 58 minutes ago, Gallinoob said:

    Ah.  That's unfortunate.  I wasn't expecting this bot to be perfect or anything considering it's the first expansion for the game, but I was hoping at least the fishbot worked.  I was checking out the profiles on the sticky post, and there doesn't seem to be any useful ones out there.  I'll keep checking back to see if you or anyone has luck with the fishbot.  Do you have the bot?  How is everything else working?  Or does it just not do much because there's no profiles out there?

    *Edit.  I read your post about the fish bot not working.  That's awesome that Droidz is looking into it.  You also mentioned that gathering and everything else is working.  Are you using any added profiles or anything? or just default wrobot settings for those?

    I make my own profiles which takes 1minute once you just get enought energy to look at a video tutorial.. basicly all you do is open the profile editor and click "record waypoints" then you run around and target npcs and click "add" and bot will kill them when you run the profile... if you wanna add npcs and mailbox you click on npcs and do the same.. its self explaining once you try :)


    And TBC is not the first expansion of the game, that is "vanilla".. And fishbot works, everything works as it should, the only diffrence is that warmane is the most serious and "well done" private server "provider" out there and since they also are a profit server they can actually get things done professionally and they obviously have a fucking good custom anti-cheat+anti-bot system as they have mannaged to make fishbot not work on their server when it works on EVERY other TBC server :)

  3. 1 hour ago, Droidz said:

    Hello, I'll test on warmane server, I comeback here when I have found solution.

    Ok thank you so much for checking this out ;) I have tested skinning, mining, herbalism, questing and grining with mele and ranges classes on Warmane and I can confirm that all of this works perfectly on warmane atleast til now!:) I hope you find a solution for fishbot aswell, thanks and good luck :D

  4. Hello as the title says the fishbot does not work..


    It launches and use lure, but relaunch every 2-3 second with the message "No fish are hooked"... I have tried all min/max MS/latency and been trying the min/max MS that works with skinning, but to no help..... 

    I have also tried disable all addons and disable lure and so on.. Nothing seems to make it work...


    Playing on server "warmane" ... It works perfect on my self hosted TBC server... 

  5. [F] 20.02.35 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.02.38 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.02.41 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.02.45 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.02.48 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.02.51 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.02.54 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.02.57 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.03.00 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.03.03 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.03.07 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.03.10 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [D] 20.03.11 - [WarGuard] Warden found, protection activated.
    [F] 20.03.13 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.03.16 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.03.19 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.03.22 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.03.25 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.03.29 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.03.32 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.03.35 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.03.38 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.03.41 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.03.44 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.03.47 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)
    [F] 20.03.51 - [Spell] Cast Fishing (Fishing)

    • I have the exact same issue... I have tried all diffrent min/max latency, I always use 450-900 and this works perfect for skinning and mining on the same char and all other chars/accounts I use bot on.. But fishing is just not working.. sometimes when I restart the bot it catches the first fish then it starts too loop every 3second with "theres no fish hooked", and according to the wrobot log it just restarts fishing every 3sec.. 
  6. Hey I made a shaman profile but im very novince when it comes to making these stuff so I cant figure out a way to add a cooldown to my flame shock..

    With this below it will use flameshock every time the cooldown is ready.. which is every 6sec.. and the flame shock debuff lasts for alot longer, so what is happening now is im getting out of mana quick as hell because it spams the shock... 

    How can I add a cooldown so it uses it maybe once every 11second or something? (so I get some more time with mana before drinking)

              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool">
                <Name>Flame Shock</Name>
          <SpellName>Flame Shock</SpellName>

  7. Hello. I just bought wrobot, before installing I redownloaded c++ and directx and .NET framework as linked on the download pages instructions..

    Then I extracted and ran the installer/updater correctly but when I run the bot it wont detect any wow process.. I have tried with 2diffrent clients now and multiple reinstalls of blablabla.. what is wrong? :p


    I don't want to waste 19euro on something that is not working for me :( 


    Log posted below


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