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  1. ive used this for demo lock lvl 85-87 so far, get about 1.7mill/hr, No deaths But bags fill up so fast so keep checking on it to empty them.
  2. Tried this so far works great, just always a tiger that sits near a rock and Evades all day long so easy to get stuck on it, also died from some elite walking around with 3.5mill hp
  3. any updated info on this one before d/l it?
  4. Looks good from reading will try this out this weekend. - What do you mean about mass selling blizzard tracks it?
  5. okay got it working but now if theres more then one yeti it will kill one and then stop attacking the second one and stand there and die.
  6. seems to be getting stuck everywhere so far for me
  7. got it
  8. got it
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