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WRobot user
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Everything posted by 79135

  1. droidz, can you help with it?)
  2. write please the code for FC editor
  3. will try the method, thx a lot!
  4. Hello! How to heal on vanilla wow without target? var healTarget = Party.GetParty().Where(o => o.HealthPercent < 50).FirstOrDefault(); SpellManager.CastSpellByNameOn("Rejuvenation", healTarget.Name); CastSpellByNameOn on vanilla is missing, write please another method.
  5. Quest type followPath. I need step [0] to do with c#
  6. I badly understand, write please full string the code like it: wManager.Wow.Class.QuestAction.Reset
  7. <QuestsSorted Action="Reset" NameClass="Step" /> How write it for C#? wManager.Wow.Class.QuestAction.Reset("Step")?
  8. hello, where can i find all functions or methods of GoToTask.ToPosition(!!!here!!!); ?
  9. How to get information about where the location of party members if they are in different location? Party.GetParty().Where(o => o.Location == "A")?
  10. What does this feature do?* Party.GetPartyGUIDHomeAndInstance()
  11. how to save this list so all my bots can see it? //For example: string myNameIs = ObjectManager.Me.Name; List<string> nameOtherPlayer = new List<string>(){}; if (myNameIs == "Putin") { nameOtherPlayer.Add("Trump"); } //save the list in order to another chars can use the list //OR string myNameIs = ObjectManager.Me.Name; List<string> nameAllMyBots = new List<string>(){}; if (!nameAllMyBots.Contains(myNameIs)) { nameAllMyBots.Add(myNameIs); } quest type (overidepulsecsharpcode)? - yes.
  12. I create list string, charN1 add into the list some strings. How another char can use this list<string>? I use quester product. Quest type override pulse c# code
  13. bool need = true; wManager.Events.FightEvents.OnFightLoop += (unit, cancelable) => { if (ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitAttackables().Any(o => o.IsTargetingPartyMember) && need) { WoWUnit unitWhichAttackMyPartyMember = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitAttackables().Where(o => o.IsTargetingPartyMember).FirstOrDefault(); if (unitWhichAttackMyPartyMember != null) { cancelable.Cancel = true; Interact.InteractGameObject(unitWhichAttackMyPartyMember.GetBaseAddress); Fight.StartFight(unitWhichAttackMyPartyMember.GetBaseAddress); } else need = false; } }; Write pls code how to force tank attack unit which Attack My Party Member. The code dont work
  14. arturn, nu 4to podelat, s volkami jit' po vol4'i vit'
  15. ohh, sure.. how check without target only in range?
  16. Hello, why bot dont see the unit when i use CreatureTypeTarget? Without CreatureTypeTarget work is good. Unit is 100% Humanoid. var unit = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitAttackables() .Where(o => o.GetDistance < 6 && o.CreatureTypeTarget == "Humanoid" && o.IsAlive).OrderBy(o => o.GetDistance).FirstOrDefault();
  17. mb i wrong wrote.. I need what healer after heal helping tank attack him target (/assist) and ignore caster unit. Now healer is healing but nothing to do more
  18. test.xml It is your script for ignore unit but i write it in FC
  19. 19:05:28 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:28 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:28 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:28 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:28 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:29 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:30 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) 19:05:31 - [Fight] Player Attacked by Deviate Crocolisk (lvl 18) Ive this in log, and bot just stay when tank fighting with unit
  20. Hello, I use quester profile. I use FC from "Fight Class Editor". My bots running together. When tank pull new stack mobs and at this time healer start heals tank, some unit start attack healer's after healing cast and healer running to the unit, if unit is caster, for attack this unit. How to force healer's ignore fight with the unit and start attack tank's target?
  21. Sometimes i hate the bot, becouse it used to work what I need and now it does not work! Previously, he normally ran to the farm place in a cave, and now he is trying to attack units that are underground, naturally he cannot agro cross the ground and makes strange movements for which players write tickets and coming ban! 25 jan 2019 21H16.log.html
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