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Everything posted by kensholm

  1. I am using this profile for my TBC rogue but i have a problem, before it skins the mob after combat it goes into stealth before skinning thus using the stealth cd and running to the next mob without the stealth CD rdy. All i did was remove the killing spree ability from the fighting class. EDIT: Nvm figuered it out added a condition to stealth so the mob % had to be 100 and it fixed my issue.
  2. What does this do for him except tell him to write his own in C# which he might not be capable of lol.
  3. Is there any good quester packs out there for either WoTLK that works with BC or one specifically BC, i am more than willing to pay a good sum for either as long as they are working and isn't completely retarded (Getting stuck, running around doing nothing) as most of the public ones tend to do. I am only asking since there are no good ones that i can see on the forums. -Kensholm
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