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Everything posted by Is4kq

  1. So I have gotten banned on Tauri, Warmane and WoW-Freakz, seems like everywhere I go I just get banned within an hour, what are the best private servers to bot on that Wrobot works fine with?
  2. As I mentioned, I just want a way to connect the Wrobot to the BFA private servers not the official World of Warcraft.
  3. Hi, I am wondering there would be any way that we could get Wrobot for Battle for Azeroth, and by that I do not mean any new profiles or anything I am just asking for a Wrobot version that could connect with a BFA version of the game so I could use that on a BFA private server and use the grinder and quest profiles on there to just get my char up to 110 so I do not have to progress all the way up myself on there. Would be really appreciated, thanks.
  4. As the title says, will wrobot be able to bot in Classic? Or will it be detectable, what are your guys thoughts about this matter?
  5. What? That is just the guide how to post logs, I did it correctly?
  6. 12 maj 2019 19H29 - xKkPm.log.html
  7. Trying to start the bot on 3.3.5 but is says Server connection.. when trying to start it up.
  8. Is there anyway to like forge these grinder profiles into one so I dont have to change everytime I hit a new level?
  9. Hello, I am considering buying this bot for playing on some private servers. I wonder if I can go into a private server with WoTLK and use all these grinder bots to get to level 80 completely auto-pilot without looms or anything, just a completely fresh new account. Any servers it will not work on or anything? I am kind of new to the whole bot scene and I have only played Legion before. Any other tips or tricks? https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1524-a-elwynn-forest-1-13-by-slk/ https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1525-a-westfall-13-18-by-slk/ https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1527-a-duskwood-20-35-litenormalhard-versions-by-slk/ https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1529-a-tanaris-40-49-by-slk/ https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1530-a-ungoro-crater-50-58-by-slk/ https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1533-a-hellfire-peninsula-58-64-by-slk/ https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1534-n-nagrand-64-68-by-slk/ https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1535-a-borean-tundra-68-74-by-slk/ https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1536-n-zuldrak-74-80-by-slk/
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