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Everything posted by Smexy

  1. One last question, having the private server bot in the desktop will flag my retail account if i decide to play or i must delete it before opening blizzard client to be on the safe side?
  2. I was an expert bot user in Retail wow and know it's super risky, I just need the combat routine which means it just use the spells and do the rotation for me and stuff like that aka lazy mood :P. As i'm always on my pc and monitoring so it's okey i guess ^^! But thanks for your respond and saying that and informing me once again
  3. Hello guys regarding to the title, is Wrobot works fine in Warmane and not only Warmane all the 3.3.5a private servers?
  4. Never compare classic with legion please, You probably start playing this game recently but if you played the game when it was amazing before you'll notice.
  5. I have tried the trail version but there is a way to stop the auto targeting and auto move? because its kinda annoying specially in BG's and Arena's i just want it to do the auto rotation while i move my character freely without having the hangs while pressing W or S or the mouse moving, I will be so thankful and it will indeed help me a lot as i'm going to sub for the private server!
  6. Thanks for your respond and might try it later :)
  7. According to the title and does it contains the combat routine like doing all of the dps rotation/healing rotation/tanking rotation and much more of the PVE stuff along with the PVP too
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