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Posts posted by Sundance

  1. Hiho!

    I noticed the bot often attacks enemy faction while grinding. I think it has something to do with both of us targeting the mob but enemy tags it first, bot will then keep on killing it. Afterwards it will very often attack the horde in this case, sometimes it attacks them just by running by.

    No better way to get reported than a bot trying to kill a real player (and therefore starting a "war") so they will see you every time and know it's a bot.


    Any ideas? @Droidz

  2. Some general tips for avoiding bans:

    Use a good fight class so you don't look botty

    Don't bot in crowded areas

    Watch the bot as much as you can

    Don't bot herb/mine since it's probably what they look for most (that's how I got banned)

    Don't use the same account names

    Don't use public profiles

    When I got banned on my herb/miner I had traded/mailed pretty frequently with my main acc without any issues so I think they only ban the acc that got caught, but I can't say for sure.

  3. Hiho!

    I'm kinda new to this bot so I'm still in the learning phase. I've tried making some of my own combat profiles using spells I've found in others. Two things I can't get to work properly is Shadowstep and Cheap Shot. 8/10 times the bot doesn't shadowstep and almost never uses cheap shot. What I think is the problem is that the bot "pauses" for a second before going up to the mob and therefore uses white attack as soon as it gets close.

    Any ideas? Here's the profiles I've used, sub rogue tbc 2 being the latest one.


    EDIT: I think it's the pull delay thing that causes it, if I shadowstep manually when the bot got a target it will cheap shot as intended.

    Sub rogue tbc.xml

    Sub rogue tbc 2.xml

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