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  1. Okay well that was a simple fix, why couldn't anyone have suggested this in any of the other threads! Thanks man
  2. Hi all, so I've spent the majority of today reading the forums and finding multiple suggestions such as the LUA script and adding a timer, alongside my own attempts but I cannot for the life of me get Shoot to work properly. The best I've had so far is by setting a 5 second delay on casting, but even then it messes up after the first hit. Without the delay it spams between auto-attack and wand, which is pretty daft seeing as auto-attack should be disabled by default when you have range set higher than 15 - this doesn't work by the way, at least not for priest. Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return IsActionInRange(" + (SpellManager.GetSpellSlotId(SpellListManager.SpellIdByName("Auto Shot")) + 1) + ")") The above doesn't work with 2.4.3 as I get an error regarding "SpellManager" or something LuaScript: isAutoRepeat = IsAutoRepeatSpell("Shoot") Research: 1 Var: isAutoRepeat This doesn't give an error but it simply does nothing, not even shoot once. Bot Version 1.7.2 (27683) for WoW 2.4.3 (8606) I really am tempted to purchase the bot but after seeing so many threads about this not working and no resolution, I can't go ahead. Is anyone able to assist? Shoot.xml Shadow Priest.xml
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