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Posts posted by soldarius

  1. Hi all, so I've spent the majority of today reading the forums and finding multiple suggestions such as the LUA script and adding a timer, alongside my own attempts but I cannot for the life of me get Shoot to work properly.


    The best I've had so far is by setting a 5 second delay on casting, but even then it messes up after the first hit. Without the delay it spams between auto-attack and wand, which is pretty daft seeing as auto-attack should be disabled by default when you have range set higher than 15 - this doesn't work by the way, at least not for priest.


    Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return IsActionInRange(" + (SpellManager.GetSpellSlotId(SpellListManager.SpellIdByName("Auto Shot")) + 1) + ")")

    The above doesn't work with 2.4.3 as I get an error regarding "SpellManager" or something

    LuaScript: isAutoRepeat = IsAutoRepeatSpell("Shoot")
    Research: 1
    Var: isAutoRepeat

    This doesn't give an error but it simply does nothing, not even shoot once.


    Bot Version 1.7.2 (27683) for WoW 2.4.3 (8606)


    I really am tempted to purchase the bot but after seeing so many threads about this not working and no resolution, I can't go ahead.


    Is anyone able to assist?


    Shadow Priest.xml

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