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Posts posted by artur.k

  1. yes i have own wow for every char yes slighty paranoid but it works also if you get ban second time with no real reason i think time to change your internet provider it helps me with some providers botting was worse but another one was ok,sometimes experience from official wow works here i mean hb experience how to avoid get ban  ,i use slighty different method than just nat,proxy or any other shit, just like brutal stupid method but it work for years and will if wrobot will be undetected im sory for bad english;/ best tips is to not be to greedy run one watch if ok run more i have now 12 and all are ok and from my experience northdale was easier than k3 where gms like i dont remember good name F@#@..  can fuck many bots one day.

  2. 6 hours ago, lonellywolf said:

    I have been botting daily on BGs for the last 4 weeks for at least 4-6 hours. No issues! maybe they check quests or something.

    for me outland is lost for brutal force lvling becouse they have system checking 1-40 lvl and just ban with no problem if you go up 40 you can run like crazy about  wotlk warmane for me at this moment is fine last banwave 3 months ago now i have new lvling system,new plugins some mine+ human master and smooth move and i can say im fine,i need test this on outland but outland xp is slighty different than icecrown and need adjust xp change,best way run every instance with new pattern do different way of lvling in every instance and see whot is banned instantly whot not,sorry for bad english sometimes cant explain best whot i want say:)

  3. i saw people report every day 100-200 ppl and if you use stupid profile like kill barrens dino with starting gear or chain die in one place dont be suprise you get banned,i saw everyday some idiots run barrens profiles with not even more than starting gear mace 1-3 at 20 lvl?:)


    on sunwell they not use any detection method they just use brain if you bot long you can easy realy easy know this player is bot or not dont think gms cant its many ways to do it  like just teleport mob from you or teleport you,attack you  they will not even whisper  just ban and why i telling it , becouse i know someone who worked in sunwell team.

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