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  1. Could someone give me an example how to write the Profile please? This is my Try... It doesnt even start: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <EasyQuestProfile xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <QuestsSorted> <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="Lua.RunMacroText("/click AuctionFrameTab5")" /> <QuestsSorted Action="Wait" NameClass="120000" /> </QuestsSorted> </EasyQuestProfile> Also for some reason i cant use the Profile creator, if i load or create a new profile it just stays grey.
  2. So the Quester bot base is what i need. Good to know. Thank you. I got some more Questions. How to add a wait timer? (scan the ah needs some time) How to Tell the bot to Speak with the Auctioneer / use the Mailbox? What are the commands? I am really new to Profile creation with wrobot. So Sorry for much Questions :) Created some with pirox a long time ago. But that Was Auto-It and easy...
  3. Hallo there, Ich would like to create a Custom Profile to sell my farmed stuff in the auction house. The auction botbase is not that what i want. I want to undercut Other offers. But i dont know where to start. Is it even possible to write such a Profile? So you can get the Name of a Button via "/Run DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetMouseFocus():GetName())" Now i want to Tell the bot to click that Button. Is it possible? Something like runmacrotext(/click Button_xy)? I also need a wait timer to add to the Profile... So i mean click auctioneer sell Button, wait for ex. 2 Minutes. And click next Button... Damn i have no idea about Profile writing with wrobot and Google didnt help. Would be really thankful if someone can help me out here. )
  4. Is there a Way to stop the Bot (using Relogger) when a Invasion in the region begins? Because it cant gather efficiently. Would love a Feature for the Relogger to skip the actual Task.
  5. EDIT: Sorry my Mistake. I were dumb. Starting a Flying Profile without the Permission to fly. Hello, Gatherer worked fine for me but since a few hours my Bot doesnt move anymore. I attached a Log File. I cant see the Error there. Is there something wrong with my Mesh Files? I dont know. Its weird. Tried it without any Plugins and restarted it many times. 29 Jul 2017 21H47.log.html
  6. Hello there. Starfall is a Druid Spell and you have to select the area. http://www.wowhead.com/spell=191034/starfall How to tell the Bot to cast it? It just selects the Spell and the Green area marker is visible. But it does not click again to cast it. Is it possible?
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