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Everything posted by valetine

  1. Hi: I use the Fight Class Editor to create a mage FightClass,i want the bot use [Mana Citrine](Item ID:8007) when mana percent less than 45%,so i filled 8007 in the "Add Spell' and set "Not spell ,is item id' to True,then set the following spell conditions: 1.Mana Percent: Type [SmallerorEqual] ; Vale [45] 2.Item Count: Id [8007] ; Number [1 ] ; Type [Equal] 3.Item Id Cooldown Enable :Name [8007] ; Need [True] I tested this FightClass for a long time,but the bot does not use [Mana Citrine]. I do not know what is the cause. Can anyone help me? Sorry for my bad English!
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