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  1. sorry i posted this in the wrong category
  2. hello! i got my gathering route working, nodes are found and blacklisted ones are ignored. i have a dk using path of frost and when node is found under water bot runs to node but it seems path of frost prohibit bot from swimming down to pick up my stranglekelp. how do i make bot go underwater to collect look, swim back up again to use path of frost? i do not have any addons, mpq files or other changes to my game. i use a 'pure' clean client with no changes what so ever.
  3. I've been using this bot for quite a while. I started off with gathering shit in Sholazar Basin and got banned after about 3 or 4 months. I had about 1 whisper saying they had send a report about be botting. I kept botting but now only using fisherbot. I went from ~1500 fish caught and now has over 130k ( https://gyazo.com/6439d42cdee8781726aa183d22418d52 ). I'm not sure but I don't think the program itself is what getting you banned. My guess is that the ban is based on your characters movement or you have some other program causing this problem. I could be wrong. ?
  4. So I've been using WRobot for quite a while and as I am typing this I have I have caught around 119k fish ( https://gyazo.com/a51554648c07e788afbf25c23d8d8d5d )... I have noticed that the bot skip a lot... Like a ton... I have never been questioned by any gm or similar but other players passing by find it weird why I cast Fishing multiple times and it doesn't require an Elon Musk top figure out why... I've changed Latency settings, redownload the bot for a new fresh start, redownloaded WoW for the same reason, turned most settings on/off or to different values, made my own fishing bot profile etc but nothing happens it still keep skipping like it has had 6 liters of Vodka... There are lots of other bots out there which doesn't have this issue so it can't be that hard to fix I assume??? It's closing in to 1 year since I payed so I'll have to pay again to keep using it but with this issue I might as well get another bot that actually WORKS... Devs, there are many posts like this one already but can you please fix this shit? We, your customers payed for this so at least it is suppose to work properly and secound I assume you guys want us to speak good about your product if someone asks, right? Atm all I can say is, if you want a fishing bot don't WRobot because it is has serious alcohol issues... Please fix this. :)
  5. I've made some changes in the advanced section and the over-all performance has gotten better but it is still acting weird...
  6. Been using the fishing bot and it has caught me over 60,000 fish total. I have noticed that it very often recast even tho there is no fish on the hook. This does not necessarily cause any major problem however the bots information tab (Farms : x (x/hr) becomes irreverent since the information shown are not all 100%, or even 95% correct. I have tried the following: Deleting all config files, did not help. Deleted all files and made a fresh download. This did not help either. BUT, changing the millisecond delays for loot, interact and search time had some change on this issue. By default loot and interact timers are set to "0 milliseconds" and the search timer is set to "2000 milliseconds". At 2000 milliseconds it feels much l.less of a problem but with a 2000 milliseconds the calculated items per hour is drastically decreased. I like to sit around 1-100 milliseconds delay on the search timer which will average of 1100-1500 items per hour, according to the bot. With a delay of 2000 milliseconds it goes all the way down to 400-600. Am I doing something wrong?
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