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  1. Really good job, but i only needed wowitem from itemlink for modification "Butler" plugin. Thanks anyway 🙂
  2. How i can create WoWItem from itemlink? GetLootRollItemLink. I need code like: WoWItem itemRollLink = Lua.LuaDoString<string>("local link = GetLootRollItemLink("+args[0]+"); return link"); Please
  3. Nice code, took something. Thank you. But for what public static bool Face(Vector3 vector3) wrobot have MovementManager.Face(vector3);
  4. if(Skill.GetValue(SkillLine.Herbalism) >= 155 && !wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.ListHarvest.Contains(2046))wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.ListHarvest.Add(2046);
  5. I think you mean what he need to use non-cracked version and buy subscription
  6. its cool, but it get my reloger settings coorupt
  7. Hello. I want keep my wrobot files on Dropbox for fast swapping betwean 2 PC's. How i can disable cripting settings?
  8. Hello. 3 month ago i used wrobot for professions and AH selling. Now when i come back and updated i seen what any addons like Postal make wrobot broken (most all lua executions/spellcast/runmacro). Without some addons my botting is impossible, so there only way is find old version of wrobot 3.3.5. Can some one share it for me?
  9. 10 VMs with one wrobot on each || 5 VMs with 2 wrobots on each || 2 VMs with 5 wrobots on each ...
  10. you can make 100 own profiles with different hotspots/waypoints , but path line between big amount of bridges, stairs, and and and... will be same. For example path to druid trainer in Thunder Bluff bridge have one line of path with always static hotspots. Sure you can manualy change it, but spots like that i can imagine >999, and randomize it for each by hands - impossible.
  11. I think Warmane anty-bot system work very simply. If you watched bots, started in one time - you may have noticed what all chars moves always the same hotspots accurate to 0.1 So all what need for detect bots - its make "traps" like this: int BotScore; if(UnitPlayer.Position.DistanceTo(x111.1, y101.2, z121.2) < 0.1) BotScore ++; if(UnitPlayer.Position.DistanceTo(x111.1, y101.3 z121.2) < 0.1) BotScore ++; if(UnitPlayer.Position.DistanceTo(x111.2, y101.3 z121.2) < 0.1) BotScore ++; ................. if(BotScore >= 1337){ //this boy got 1337 score in last 2 hours Logging.Write("One ban for this kid, please"); youDied(); }
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