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  1. twice i've came home to find it stuck in a building in southern jade forest. Garrosh' ar something. It's not getting me much considering I work 12 hours and only come home to 12-15 stacks
  2. Comodo Internet Security, free version. Sorry it took so long to respond.
  3. I have resolved the problem, I forgot I had installed a new antivirus program yesterday and I found that the program wasn't giving Wrobot full access. It is working as intended now, thanks for your help.
  4. Yes I know there's more topics about this but I've tried everything I've read, I've looked at the repair Wrobot instructions and did every single one of them, I'm launching WoW in 32-bit mode and it's still giving me this error. My bot was working fine yesterday I don't understand. When I hit launch bot it gives me these errors: Please select game Process and connect to the game. -I hit Ok and it gives me this: Do you want to launch Wow in 32 bit mode?(even though it is). -I hit Yes and then it does nothing. Sometimes it gives me the option to go select the Wow.exe so the bot can launch WoW, but this is always unsuccessful. I would appreciate the help! Thank you. P.S. It's giving me no logs.
  5. that fight class that's available to download is awful imo
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