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Everything posted by Memus

  1. Nothing on this? Since both WoWUnit and WoWGameObject are derived from WoWObject maybe IsGoodInteractDistance and NpcMarker should be declared and implemented by WoWObject? Both are clearly visualized in-game. Highlighted cogwheel cursor and big exclamation/question mark above object.
  2. You're mixing WoWUnit up with WoWGameObject type.
  3. Yeah, but that's not what I'm after. 1. I wan't to see if an object has a quest available with the NpcMarker property. 2. I wan't to know if we're within interact distance of the object to interact and accept the quest. GetDistance isn't reliable since objects can vary ALOT in size. For ex. 4 yards might be perfect for smaller object but unreachable for bigger objects (if the objects radius is wider that 4 yards). An alternative to implementing IsGoodInteractDistance for WoWGameObject can be if WRobot can tell us the size (radius) of the object so we can implement it ourselves. Clearer now? :)
  4. Thanks, but please read my post again ?
  5. Would be super if you could implement NpcMarker and IsGoodInteractDistance for the type WoWGameObject? Thanks :)
  6. ObjectManager.Me.Target = unit.Guid; Triggers interact/autoattack on hostile/neutral unit which is too annoying to live with. The Mouseover solution is what I'm using right now but I consider that as an workaround. I want a clean solution, as in Vanilla with the inject code.
  7. Got a working example of this for 3.3.5a? Changing $"call {0x489A40}" to $"call {0x524BF0}" does not suffice :S
  8. Thanks mate! I tried that approach but i didn't work... And know I see why... As sloppy as I am, I used "System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Shift" instead of "System.Windows.Forms.Keys.ShiftKey" Embarassing :S
  9. I have the same problem. Any working solution?
  10. Nevermind. Found the Engine.StartEngine ignoreIfAlreadyLaunched parameter :)
  11. This code: engine = new Engine(false); engine.States.Add(new SpellState("Power Word: Fortitude", 11, c => !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Power Word: Fortitude"), true, false)); engine.States.Add(new SpellState("Divine Spirit", 10, c => !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Divine Spirit"), true, false)); engine.StartEngine(15); Only the first/highest prioritized SpellState gets evaluated... No matter what. How can I make the engine process more than one state of a particular type?
  12. Aye. Tho the ObjectManager.Me.Target property works for targeting. Ie ObjectManager.Me.Target = WoWUnit.Guid
  13. Hi. I can't find a target method for WoWUnit. So how about a WoWUnit.Target()?
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