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Article Comments posted by virtual

  1. I would love for wrobot to find some new genius bot technique. Especially with new expansion coming in 4 months.

    But i have lost more accounts here in 2 months then i have in 2 years.  So ill take break and watch the ban rate to determine the condition of wrobot.


    Fingers crossed you guys get it sorted out.

  2. 1 minute ago, Droidz said:

    Hello, I do not hide the situation, using WRobot is risky (it's all the time written when you starting the bot since Wow 7.3). The latest update has fixed a detection vector, bliz has added a new one since. I will try to not finish like the others, I managed to find solutions where they have not found, I do what I can, I'll stop if/when I'll no find solutions.

    Thank you for answering this. appreciate it. 

  3. Quote

    I'll release new version

    What difference is it going to make  If its detected ? 

    It wasn't even two weeks since the last ban wave.  If wrobot is in blizzards radar now the bans are going more and more frequent.

     I understand the want / need ( monthly subs, money in your pocket) to release a new version but what good is a new version going to do if your program is now detected ?

    What makes wrobot any different then the Honorbuddy and soapbox and others who have retired the bot due to blizzards new detection methods ? 

  4. So is the detected alert going to stay active always and use wrobot only if you know what your doing going to be the motto now ?
    will the alert go away or be a part of wrobot now ?


      While the bot is detected will time be added back to our monthly payments ?

  5. 3 hours ago, geosh said:

    To all who do not belive WRobot isnt the best, I just had a newborn last week so i wasnt pay attention to updates and I got banned for a year, This is NO FAULT to the bot. If you get banned its prob your dumbass not paying attention. While I had kept everthing updated I ran the bot 24/7 for mths on end and never had one issue. Thank you Droidz for all you do keep it up.

     This last banwave was because of detection not users    "Current WRobot is detected " Droidz

     Only time will tell if wrobot is permanently detected or just plain old on blizzards shit list.

     Wrobot is a decent bot but i wouldnt exaggerate and say its the best, there where a handful that where WAY WAY better until they where forced to retire. If more people come together to work on it and can become great, but the more users the more attention we get from blizzard.

    For what its worth the bot is the best thing available and fingers crossed it escapes the inevitable hammer that is blizzard security.

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