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Posts posted by twin

  1. Same, my bot will just stand over its corpse with the log spamming the same as yours.

    23:08:58 - [Resurrect] Not found Spirit Healer
    23:09:03 - [Resurrect] Player dead
    23:09:10 - [Resurrect] Not found Spirit Healer
    23:09:15 - [Resurrect] Player dead
    23:09:22 - [Resurrect] Not found Spirit Healer
    23:09:27 - [Resurrect] Player dead
    23:09:35 - [Resurrect] Not found Spirit Healer
    23:09:40 - [Resurrect] Player dead
    23:09:47 - [Resurrect] Not found Spirit Healer
    23:09:52 - [Resurrect] Player dead


  2. 3 hours ago, f4n1k said:

    Got the same problem here... my fist month with Wrobot, not really satisfied cause of this happening so often...

    I've been a member here for a while and it's been nothing but improvements. Droidz works very hard on WRobot. A mod said it's most likely someone ddosing the pathfinding server. 

  3. 2 hours ago, (̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾) ̿ ̿ ‘̿’\̵͇̿̿\ said:

    What is this fresh server June?

    June 26, it's the lightshope fresh server so it will be massive. Lightshope is also super relaxed about botting and they'll usually let accounts run a lot longer. Unless your bot is super blatant you could easily make it to 45 each time. I only had one account banned at 32 and it was because the fightclass I was using would always glitch out. 

  4. 2 hours ago, crappysacks said:

    Yep, I got fed up after the 4th 25+ getting banned. I'm using Eeny's grinder and set relogger to change zones every so often, taking breaks in between but no luck. Highest was 34 but I got caught in Deso with my chainpants down.

    I managed to catch one of my toons being teleported to their GM room. Jumped around, said hey and they ported me back. The population in low level zones is too high at the moment it seems - player reports are the big issue. As an observer, it's quite easy to see who is botting based on movement. I've tried a variety of settings but at the end of the day, if you're reported and a GM follows you then you're done for - Kronos guys are quite savvy and are cracking down hard on botting/RWT.

    I'm having a lot more success on Nighthaven. Sucks, because the population is too low, so when I do fancy playing manually there isn't much to do in terms of world pvp or dungeons until you hit 60. I'm going to run a couple of accounts on the fresh server come June. 

    I'm using eenys as well. Are you horde or alliance by the way? I think the biggest issue on the server is the LOS. Makes it look super bot like when the mob is glitched behind a tree and you just slowly inch your way towards it. I really could care less to level there as LH fresh is soon, so I was hoping I could bot something to 40 or so and then just AOE grind the rest of the way with the busted group exp.

  5. I'm just curious. All my accounts seem to get hit off around 30-32. It doesn't seem to matter how careful you are either. I spent about two weeks botting one account and five days botting another and it still was hit off right around the same point. Seems like they're really cracking down. Anyone having any success or is it just a shit fest for botting all around?

  6. 12 hours ago, Matenia said:

    A lot of VPNs are static IPs (or a certain range) belonging to a certain provider. You can check DNS records and IPs against a known list and block them.
    With Socks5 it's much harder since anyone can just use AWS, Google Cloud, OVH, etc to pull up a VPS and use it as a proxy.

    I would be willing to bet that's exactly what they did lol, because I just had an account banned that was offline. Any recommendation on where to buy cheapish socks5 proxies? I could only find cheap HTTP proxies. 

  7. Hi,

    This is happening on the Kronos server, so it could be an because of something they are doing. I have botted hundreds of hours on LightsHope and I have never had this issue. It will target, run a little forward, then untarget a mob that a player is attacking and that is gray to you. It looks very very bot like.


    It is also targetting players pets with the same ID as mobs.

  8. 7 hours ago, MausFarm said:

    The last month is very bad for LH
    Accounts are very poorly sold, gold is a little better sold.
    But I think it was due to the fact that the release of kronos was approaching and I think that it will resume as before
    but at the moment better pump chars on kronos.

    Let me know how botting on kronos goes. I don't bot for profit, only interested in having a personal account so I'm not doing anything on a mass scale. 

  9. 7 hours ago, MausFarm said:

    Botting a lot when there was a kronos 2
    A really high chance of a ban when in the first locations a lot of players
    I used good proxies and no mass bans were. Only reports and GM
    But I used another bot
    Prohibit a proxy is difficult if it is not defined as a proxy so do not worry about it if you use elite IPs

    Well from my limited knowledge of networking, it's next to impossible to actually tell if someones on a VPN so I'm sure they just investigate accounts with IPs constantly switching. I'm thinking once the hype dies down I'll just run accounts on the same VPN instance until it's at a manageable level. They also have anticheat but that's for fly and speedhacks, nothing to detect bots(and I don't think they can either). How long did your bots normally last for when leveling?

  10. Hey everyone,

    So i've heard rumors that Kronos doesn't allow VPNs on their server, and they will ban all accounts active on an IP if one gets caught botting. I've also heard that they will lock account creation on the IP you were banned on. Is there any truth to this, or is this just all people being skeptical? With the upcomming kronos 3, will there be opportunities to bot, or do they crack down really hard on it?

  11. Has anyone had any luck botting past 50? I can get accounts to 45 no problem, but the second they get any further than that pretty much get banned the next day. I had a paladin that I took about 2 weeks getting to 45, and then let it break for about 5 days. I ran it and two hours later it was banned. It could be coincidence, but this has happened to two other accounts as well. I'm starting to think they have some sort of way to track completed quests, and once an account hits 45 they have a flag that says "very low quests" and they investigate.


    Anyone have any good experiences they'd like to share? Also, with the upcomming Kronos 3 server, how are they with handling bots?

  12. Update on my friend botting 24 hours: He got DCed at level 41 in Swamp of Sorrows with no port to GM island and no explanation on why he was banned. He was also not using WRobot.  I made it to 43 and I'm just going to stick here for now and level up another character going for 60. I'll update with the progress of that one occasionally. 


    Edit: Turns out he was banned for RWT and not botting. He messaged the admins and they didn't say anything about botting. I guess he 'bought' 100 gold(he sent it from his main account) and they banned the fresh account thinking it was a RWT.

  13. 12 hours ago, terpfiend said:

    For what it's worth, the log off if teleported function doesn't help. If anything, it only hurts you because maybe you could have replied in time. I had that checked when my bots were banned and actually might have been able to stop it (I was literally in the other room -___-), but they just instantly banned the account after it logged off. They have all that information well before TPing you to gm island so its not like you're avoiding them or anything

    Yeah I turned that feature off ASAP. If you get pulled to GM island as you're watching you're bot you can drop the whole "I have no idea what you're doing or why I'm here". A sidenote from my buddy who's been running this game 20+ hours a day. Still no ban and hes nearing level 40.

  14. 12 hours ago, ch267310 said:

    My friend`s several accounts are banned on that server this early morning. The most problems are not from WROBOT, its him who got too greedy. My account also got banned, since we are living in the same house, sharing the same IP......

    GM teleported me and my friend`s 3 characters(his characters are fish botting and grinding, and he is sleeping at that time!!!) to that room and ask if any of you are botting...

    I denied but GM are quite sure Im also involved in that(well, i confess that I also used grinding function for lvl 24-26...)...so, he just banned 4 accounts (1 from me and 3 from my friend).  Now I want to beat him.......


    Some tips:

    1. NEVER NEVER bot on your main acc, only do that on your botting acc

    2. don't suicide botting, like more than 3 hors non-stop grinding/automation/fishing. (I suggest using the schedule function, and do something like grinding 1h - log off 1 hour - grinding 1h - etc...to make it more like human.) and less chance to get reported.

    3. As far as I know, the ban is mostly from report, the lights hope GM seems don't have the detective softwares. So the best way to avoid being banned is to stay low.

    4. Don't bot on the same IP address. for example, bot 1 on IP 1 and bot 2 on IP 2. They are able to dig out all your ACTIVE accounts on the same IP and BAN THEM!

    5. when you are botting, don't log on your main account if on the same IP.

    6. Don't be too greedy, otherwise, you may lose your main acc.


    so, all in all. good luck on botting at lights hope. Its risky but still feasible if you are cautious enough.


    BTW, TAQ on that server is going to be released today, meanwhile, the population is dropping quite fast, especially in the new comers, so, it may become a little easier to bot/grinding, but you still have to stay sharp...

    What level were the accounts banned? I monitor my bot whenever I'm botting, so if I were to get TPed and asked that question I would be able to reply right away.  I've found the best hours to bot are around 3pm central to 12am central. I'm also using a VPN so I'm not too worried about my main being hit off :) but I guess it is possible. I'm also running only 1 account which probably makes it look a lot less suspicious rather than 4 on 1 ip.

  15. 2 hours ago, terpfiend said:

    I wish, I wasn't looking at my screen when it happened D: I was watching TV and all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I saw all my instances of wow go to "disconnected". I'm assuming that my shaman was probably doing some stupid shit in STV while questing and got reported. I really wish I could have been there when they teleported me to GM island though. For some reason I had the setting to log off when teleported, so I'm sure they just instabanned every account on that IP once I disappeared. I definitely recommend turning that setting off if you want any chance at saving yourself lol. Some GM's will let you off with a warning if you just say sorry.

    Edit: and yeah, I was running them waaaay too long. I was also overloading the AH. Now, I'm running four bots but one at a time, all on different IP's, and for only 4-6 hours max and then ill take a break from that one while I work on the others. I figure that makes it look more realistic. I have a separate bank account for each one so I don't put waaay too much on the AH, and try to space out my listings (like dont post 20 stacks of thick leather or something). So far I have a 49, 42, 38 and 29. Here's to getting to 60 lol!

    Minding those things though and having a really good fightclass will do you a lot of good. Especially the fightclass. I also recommend checking out the Human Master Plugin, Random Jumper and Quester plugins because they help make you look more like a person.  However, it should be noted that Quester can be good and bad, because sometimes you'll have people trying to talk to you in party chat and get agitated that you don't reply. But I'd say more oftan than not, they are just trying to get the quest done too and don't care about you. If you don't use quester, look for the plugin that declines party invites, because otherwise you will be running around with an open invitation and that looks bottish, theyll expect you to either accept or decline. Can't remember the name of that one though. There are also two plugins that will either send you a push notification on your phone or post to a discord channel if anything happens to your bot, which is extremely useful. Finally, if you're using a quester profile that has any type of escort quest - DROP THAT SHIT! Escort quests are the most bottish thing I've seen so far. That's about all I can think of for now.

    I take it that you're botting for profit rather than for personal use then? Since you have what seems to be a pretty decent sized operation going on. I've been botting anywhere from 8-12 hours a day but I think my hours are somewhat human like. I'll let the bot run for a few hours while I'm in class, and then it will break while I'm at work, and then I'll run it again when I get home. I'm also only running one account, and I pay pretty close attention to it. I'll always throw a buff on people and ask for one in return. The only thing that looks bottish is the movement tbh, since it's kind of jerky.

    Would you say the Human Master plugin is worth the 15 euros? I have a paid farming profile and have yet to see anyone on the same path so far..so here's for hoping that no one really uses it on LH. I'm also just purely grinding on non quest mobs, as I figure that's about as lowkey as it's going to get.

    I have a friend suicide botting currently, and he said he's going to attempt to run it 24/7 until he gets to 60 so i'll update you on his progress/how long it takes him to get banned because that might get some useful information into what flags it other than player reports.

    Edit: I probably will end up making my own plugins now that I see it's pretty easy to do so...I worked on a runescape botting client for a few years so I have experience with writing bots in general. I'm going to have to play around with the API, and if I come up with anything useful i'll post it. It looks like this site could use more free vanilla content. I don't know if I have the time right now to write something as indepth as the Human plugin, but I think a suite of denying party invites, buffing nearby players, and jumping periodically are something that I would be able to do.

  16. 11 minutes ago, terpfiend said:

    From my experience, they will ban every active account on whatever IP they catch you botting on. In my case, I had three bots running on the same IP. They caught one, took him to GM island and instantly banned the other two as well. However, my main account that wasn't active at the time was safe. Now I run with a VPN (I use VPN Unlimited because im cheap)

    Any insight on how you got caught? I'm assuming running 3 accounts on the same IP for long hours every day probably didn't help. Currently about halfway to my level goal before I start going legit. I've been having some issues with the bot though so it's getting frustrating..

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