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Everything posted by hamad.alowais

  1. Hello im sorry to bother u once again but i just set up everything thanks to u ! i downloaded everything and im in highmountain i did 2 chapters already without the bot, anyways when i start the bot it doesnt start and when it does start its for 1s and it doesnt do anything so i went to the in game tab and it says quester failed to start, Thanks so much and im sorry for disturbing u.
  2. Alright it logged me in but i dont see any character on any realm so thats abit weird :/ EDIT: nvm i logged into my old starter edition account sorry , anyways thank u so much for ur help!!! <3
  3. So I just gotta replace NA with US now right?
  4. i just tried that and its not logging me into my account saying, Unable to connect please try again later.
  5. Hey, Yeps im pretty sure its updated, anyways its not that but it launches the EU version of wow instead of NA :/
  6. Hey, I am truly sorry for what people said being rude to devs and if i was rude im truly sorry, anyways I have an account on EU and NA, and i cant seem to get this to work on NA so if you help me that would be awesome, Thanks for reading and prob the help!
  7. Hey thanks so much for telling me it works i just have 2 accs and i then noticed it said wrobot EU so im sorry but thanks for the response
  8. Hey, I just bought this bot and it doesnt work on NA i need a refund asap
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