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Posts posted by hrt

  1. the wow client crush within 20 sec after  I start the bot .. I don't have any plug in and tried multu fight class all the same and tris the following : quests gathering pet battle all of them crush the game with in 20 sec 

  2. Hello,


    I just came back to activate my sub to find out that they don't have any payment option except the built-in payment option which they have access to my CC info! this is stopping me from buying subs, are there any announcements regarding this matter or how people are buying subs without the only 1 option they offer

  3. Hellp i start playing in Turtle WOW "Vanilla " they are using 1.12 cleint but they have some custom items and sepll.. for paladin they add new spell call Hoily strike ... my question how can i add this spell to my fight class profile am not able to see the spell when i try to add it from the drop down spell menu 

  4. hello


    i have been using Wrobot for 5 years with no issues just since last 2 days every time i try to download any profile the download contents page pop up as white and stuck the menu not loading up I attached screen shot .  can any one help me please.


    thank you  


  5. - if my pet tanking keep switching between melee and range every 2 sec which case any one see it will know its bot 100%

    - not feeding pet even i did the set up for the food name.

    - keep switch pet to passive mode which end up me to die every time since pet not fighting.

    - some time its ignoring  my died pet and not revive it.

    - some time the camera on target with out attacking it and even with out targeting it for 10 ~ 10 sec.

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