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Everything posted by qatarman

  1. problem solved , CLOSED
  2. i dont know what you mean , im new to this sorry can you explain
  3. i run a 104 warlock on affliction with doomguard fight class , the lock tend to just cast in melee range any help ?
  4. i bought suramar but its a little high or me :S i tried to get some help from him in discord and i barely got any even tho i bought 4 of hes profiles and the full worldquest pack need some1 that would help in return of buying all hes scrips
  5. i got this its world quest cant do it at 103 and need to start a chain first.. thanks tho bro :)! any other ideas?
  6. as the title says :)! whats the best questing profile free or paid that been used by you guys to level
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