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Everything posted by oday123

  1. solved, tyvm
  2. hello, I'm using vpn / socks5 to bot on multiple toons, everything setting wise seems to be fine, however the servers seem to disconnect very frequently (1h-3h max uptime) - i am using premsocks for socks5 from europe does anyone have the same problems or does anyone have recommendation for more stable servers? regards
  3. hello fellow grinders! I was browsing this forum and the internet to see if i could find a working vanilla addon (1.12.1) that destroys items when picked up - either for quality (grey/white/etc) - or for name. anyone? ?
  4. I tried using all kinds of tricks like only letting the priest loot to give the warr time to pull the next mob, changed the distance to recognize mobs, used spirit/reg heavy stats and skills so they dont fall apart regenerating and so on, doesnt really work overly well but if its a profile where mobs are lined up instead of being spread out alot it works fine. not a very techincal solution but its ok ?
  5. hey, loving the bot, working great! So heres what i cant figure out myself: I want to team up a priest with a warrior and make them grind together - fight classes i made work well with each other (I let them both run on a quester profile, no "party" botting involved) However of course sometimes they run to diffrent mobs and leave each others side for a while before being back to grinding together So heres my question: Is it possbile to have them grind together other than the "help party members" option? anything i can set up to make it happen instead of using the party bot (i couldnt figure out the fight classes for that to make it work well) regards
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