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Posts posted by jackel420

  1. How do you have all 5 set up?  1 account + 1 proxy per bot?  Do they all farm things on different servers or just different things on the same server?  How did you initially level all 5... multiboxing?

    Have you seen any correlation between class and profit margin?  I was thinking of doing all shaman, but a druid would be better for gathering.  Do you use wRobot for them all?  Do you run all 5 games on your computer, or do you have multiple computers?  How long do you run them each day?

  2. How would you set up accounts and botting?  I'm asking this because currently prices are low and I was thinking of scooping up quite a few game keys (Battlechests) through RaF means.  I have my main account, just not sure I want these botting accounts associated with it.  I have a few sets of BoA gear that are complete and fully enchanted on diff classes (1 of each armor type almost), so if an account is assosiated, I could transfer BoAs which would be dope.


    My idea was to link one too my main, then chain another 4 or so off of that account

    I would basically be multiboxing but without broadcasting keystrokes.  I would just create dungeon routes and have all 4-5 accounts bot leveling by soloing dungeons.

    Think it's possible?!


    I think I can do this whole initial setup for like 100$ for 5 accts with 2 month sub per account, all chained with RaF

    BoA gear accross all would be soooo awesome!


    Has anyone else tried something like this?

  3. It can be replicated by just one Serpent Sting and nothing else in the fight class. I don't see why seeing my fight class would help at all?  He know's the issue I am having, and it is source code based.  If you have an issue replicating it with just one attack (SS) in the fight class, please post yours as mine will just keep casting it over and over on the same boss, even if it is still up, and I can't get it to only cast when not on the boss with any parameter.

  4. Hello!


    I'm new to the community and love it.  I've been working on new WRotation Profiles by slowly adding one spell at a time while running dungeons.  I figured since I had some down time, I would beef up my rotations on my lvl 90 hunter by practicing on the Raid Dummies at the Shrine.  Unfortunately, it will not attack with the rotation against the Dummy, any ideas?  I'd def like to purchase this (lifelong pass), but with simple issues like this, don't know how many more issues I'll run into.

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