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  1. Have Been working with just the Fight Class editor and it takes an insane amount of work to get the functions to work right. Now that ive seen this guild i will remake my fightclasses using DotPeek. TY MUCH! and expect some decent fightclasses and such out of me!
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Hey community! I'm back and releasing a surprise fight class! This fight class currently only supports levels 1-10. I have spend hours configuring the seals to work as intended! Please give it a try and let me know how i can improve it! This is currently V1.0 and will be worked on along with my other fight classes!
  3. To the first two down loaders, I really appreciate the fast response from this forum TY so much for trying it! Let me know (If you view this again) what you think and what spots i may have missed. I will be adding some improvements and mana stability for lvls 1-6. Also working on V1.0 of Mage, Warrior, Rogue, and Druid (Really excited about the druid one)
  4. Version 1.0.1


    Hello community! My name is Hakzorie and i would like to introduce to you my very first fight class! (YAY!!!) Anyway let me begin by first letting you know that this is my first release and as i make progression within WoW i will update this Fight Class. I will update this as frequently as possible. Now i must also note this: I am broke, thus being said i am currently working with a trial version of Wrobot and because of this it takes HOURS to test and fix minor issues working within the 15 minute periods and because i do so love this community and respect the Admins i refuse to use a cracked version. This Fightclass is Currently only supporting levels 1-10 and I am finally confident enough to release it and would REALLY enjoy some feedback on it! This is me giving back to you guys! I am also working on a very detailed quester and will be releasing a demo (Hopefully) in the coming weeks! -Hakzorie <3
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