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Everything posted by Glyxlwyrz

  1. Hi @ll, I'd like to level myself a toon via wrobot on Kronos 3 (private vanilla realm) or gather some stuff. I'll let the bot run on a notebook which is located next to my pc screen. I'll only run the bot while being on the pc anyway so I can always put half an eye on the notebook and react if somebody /w me ingame or follows me etc. 1)Does this increase my chance to get a char to lvl 60 or will a single player report get me banned anyway? 2)Do GMs try to talk to the bot or anything like that to see if it's a real human behind the screen? 3)Another thing: Is warden active on 1.12 clients so can Kronos 3 detect the wrobot? 4)Will botting a rogue and only travelling in stealth (=to cloak the bottish movement, well at least others won't see it right away) increase my chance for success? Thanks in advance. Smell ya later, Glyxlwyrz
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