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Everything posted by Kamikaze1986

  1. Try adding a buff condition to corruption Curse of Agony True
  2. As berberman said the plugin should do it all, unfortunately i havent replicated the CPU or lack of ressurection issue. When better gets a chance to look at plugin it will get sorted hopefully, until then its out of my control as i'm not familiar with C#
  3. Have you put spells on to your action bars?
  4. Quite a big update compared to my old version, any issues let me know!
  5. I will ask @BetterSister to have a look as he modified the script and got the soulstone thing working
  6. Fightclass is designed to be used from level 10 once you have voidwalker. I have added a quick 1-10 fightclass that should do everything needed until you get voidwalker, download and run that for now
  7. Is there anywhere in the fight class conditions to make it so if a target has a mana pool the warlock will use drain mana?
  8. Can anyone help me getting this macro into my Fight class please, many thanks! /cast Drain Soul(Rank 4)/run local a=GetBagName(4); if a=="Core Felcloth Bag" or a=="Felcloth Bag" or a=="Soul Pouch" or a=="Box of Souls" or a=="Small Soul Pouch" then PickupContainerItem(4,GetContainerNumSlots(4)) DeleteCursorItem() else end
  9. I have sorted it, just deleted the spell and started again and worked fine. Thanks all.
  10. just spamming [D] 15:20:42 - [FightClass] PetAttack(); - NeedToRun time to execute: 0 [D] 15:20:42 - [FightClass] PetAttack(); - NeedToRun time to execute: 0 [D] 15:20:43 - [FightClass] PetAttack(); - NeedToRun time to execute: 0 [D] 15:20:43 - [FightClass] PetAttack(); - NeedToRun time to execute: 0 [D] 15:20:43 - [FightClass] PetAttack(); - NeedToRun time to execute: 0 [D] 15:20:43 - [FightClass] PetAttack(); - NeedToRun time to execute: 0
  11. I have tried many variations but nothing seems to be working, no conditions at all, just target distance etc nothing working
  12. Just to add in debug it says this [D] 08:59:14 - [FightClass] PetAttack(); - NeedToRun = false - condition [D] 08:59:14 - [FightClass] PetAttack(); - NeedToRun time to execute: 0
  13. Pet attack works fine if i use Droidz general settings, however it constantly summons voidwalker if i use his settings which is less than ideal. I added my own LUA for summoning voidwalker which works fine however the PetAttack(); function is not working, I have tried loads of conditions but no luck! Anyone got a clue?? I want the pet to enter combat as i start casting Immolate.
  14. Ahh that macro is handy thanks for that. im messing around trying to stop it from casting voidwalker constantly even when no shards, uploading new version now for testing. Should also stop the HS/SS spam.
  15. Thanks but have already sorted it, now trying to work on getting summon voidwalker to only summon once and not keep summoning it once i got one!
  16. i've added spells to settings now , redownload
  17. Ye i've tried adding conditions such as soul shard requirements but it doesn't seem to work, going to look into getting it coded into the plug in possibly
  18. Looking for help to get my character to ressurect via using Soulstone instead of Releasing Spirit, anyone have any ideas?
  19. reinstall wRobot
  20. Ok ill try thank you
  21. Version 1.2.1


    This is a work in progress but I am happy enough to share this version for free whilst i try and delve into learning C# coding and improve on this. There is an issue with it only Summoning Imp and not Voidwalker so once you get Voidwalker, go into the fight class settings and disable Summon Imp, just make sure you change Drain Soul to get a few more shards in case you get caught in a chain death. You will need to manually put skills onto Action Bars for now. This Fight Class now works from level 1 and uses Summon Imp, it shadow bolts until you reach level 5 at which point get an enchanter to make you a Lesser Magic Wand as this will increase your DPS and save Mana! Demon Skin/Demon Armor. Rotate's Immolate (Will only cast immolate once per target) > Corruption > Curse of Agony > Siphon Life (once learned) > Followed by Wanding until mob dies. (MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A WAND FROM LEVEL 5 ONWARD) Amplify Curse / Shadow Trance work if you spec them. Uses Life Tap, Drain Soul (4 Shards default), Drain Life, Health Funnel and Death Coil at certain Health/Mana percentages. Dark Pact also there if you spec it. Unending Breath if swimming. Void Walker will auto attack when you target (Make sure you right click Torment, Consume Shadows and Suffering so it uses them automatically) DO NOT RIGHT CLICK SACRIFICE THOUGH!!! Void Walker will Sacrifice itself when You or Void Walker are low health. Health Stones/Soul Stones and Soul Stone Resurrection are working in a separate plugin, put UltimateWarlock.cs in the Plugins folder on wRobot and enable it. Will Fear target when player on less than 50% Health If multiple targets it will fear the second target. This is buggy at the moment but sometimes it switch back to kill the target on you, other times it kills the feared target. (Work In Progress) Pictures Attached to show Spec I use and also to help with a few other things! Once you do the Fel Hunter Quest to get Box of Souls (Unless you buy one off the Auction House sooner) You can set up this handy macro which you will find at the bottom of the explanation. As you can see I have it press the = key every 10 seconds which is the key I have my macro bound to, the macro will delete the Soul Shard in the bottom right hand corner of the bag. For the Box of Souls I edit the Drain Soul item count to 15, for some reason it always creates one more than the number shown so if i set it at 15 it will make 16 shards, but the macro will delete number 16 so it will Drain Soul on every mob which gets you the Mana Regeneration Buff which will keep you going with a lot less down time. Edit the Drain Soul, Item Count Number according to your Soul Bag. Edit the Rank of Drain Soul in the Macro according to your skills Rank. Bags Used in Macro: Core Felcloth Bag, Felcloth Bag, Soul Pouch, Box of Souls or Small Soul Pouch The Macro: /cast Drain Soul(Rank 4) /run local a=GetBagName(4); if a=="Core Felcloth Bag" or a=="Felcloth Bag" or a=="Soul Pouch" or a=="Box of Souls" or a=="Small Soul Pouch" then PickupContainerItem(4,GetContainerNumSlots(4)) DeleteCursorItem() else end
  22. Hi Droidz Could you add Pet mana conditions to the editor please? Pet Mana Points Pet Mana Percent Need these conditions to stop my lock from spamming Dark Pact when my pet has no mana to take from it. Many thanks!
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