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Everything posted by BTGASIC

  1. How about this....You accept payment in BTC and i'll "friends and family"(not reversible) Paypal over the money.
  2. If you would have accepted payment from him back on the 5-6th when you starting talking you would have already made 29% for doing nothing. Also check out the Spendin app it does what your looking for.
  3. bro get with the times it's very easy to accept and spend BTC
  4. How can you get sued for enabling people to cheat in a game? I guess we will see how this all goes down.
  5. If I understand it correct the game is going to run off a client Droids has already released a bot for.....Couldn't you theoretically just use that client and sync it up to the classic released version??....We all have busy 40 hours a week lives now that should not exclude us from hardcore play.
  6. There would be a huge markets for this...for those of us that have busy lives but still want to play competitively.
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