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Everything posted by s1m421

  1. makes sense, i apreciate you take the time this code is an alternative to work with 2 units, target and focus, I like it. but, is there any way to work with more than 2 units at once? like anyway to loop thru all units around localplayer and store them into friend and enemy list using similar method? loop each one, focus each one and check? something like localplayer range 40, each tick, focus all them quick and determine who is friend and who is enemy?
  2. Hi @Droidz I already did that, the issue is that I actually need to control enemies Around me, not my particular target. I need to search all wow players around me and then filter them by ally and enemy. Target by wow api works good (a bit slow but works as intended). The thing is I need this to be able to check for Every Objectmanager unit that I find by memory reading, I cannot target each one of them, I need to get this value from the nontarget unit like I get IsPartyMember, IsAlive, etc... Thanks
  3. Hi guys, Im trying to make pvp stuff for my own use with the bot Ive noticed for example when I try to loop objectmanager to get Players arround me (not npc/units, real players). unit.Attackable should return true in duel for example or in arenas. but na it is not returning true, so I guess is wrong return value. Which would be the sense if adding Attackable extension if its same as checking faction or enemy. they are not enemies, we both same faction, but we are rivals sometimes like in arena, crossfaction bg or duels. so attackable should adapt to any situation that the unit become attackable imo. Thanks
  4. why is spellreaction not going to work? I want to code something like warrior pvp rotation, like seriusly well made. does this bot has any performance issues? seems to be the most overpower framework ive found to detect spell cast begin, where is the spell going, code proper logic and response to events, like interrupt, reflect only if the spell is going to me (i guess ill figure out how to get this info from your tool which even allows me to read custom mem regions), etc.. i am going to find any barrier you can anticipate me?
  5. Hi guys, im kinda new here. What I meant to ask with the title is more about how is the tool working with the game, is it confortable to play alongside with it or it makes the gameplay annoying? Im looking for options to develop pvp rotations to Play with the dll injected similar to what Ive done with Honorbuddy. Honorbuddy was well designed for that and it was performing flawless, fast reaction to events, smooth performance, keeping the game integrity so player can actually play without any limitation. I want to know if there is any limitation or annoying thing about WRobot if there are any. Thanks in advance.
  6. Thanks you man, this is exactly what I was looking for. Also seems like WR offers a wide C# api. My plan is to develop pvp scripts to Play with them on real time, I dont know if this is viable with WRobot. Im worried the bot is not designed for that and it will have performance issues or it will be not confortable to play with it like it was with honorbuddy. Any idea about this topic?
  7. Hi guys, im considering purchase the bot for 2.4.3 server. I would like to code my own things inside the game with lua. I see this is like similar to honorbuddy, it is a memory bot that give us a C# api which looks cool maybe in future I use this. But right now my main concens is, can I simply use WRobot to inject into wow.exe and Unlock the lua completely, to make My own addons with all the functions unlocked and thats it? Thanks in advance and sorry if its an obvius question i tried to find a feature list and I didnt see any explicit mention to Lua Unlocking raw wow which is the feature I want.
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