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Files posted by cedced30

  1. [FREE] Vanilla Warrior FightClass Plugin.

    Hi guys, this is a fightclass i've spent a lot of hours developping while i was learning c#,
    I've since lost interrest, thus i'm not developping it anymore, and since it's not clean commercial-grade code, you can have it for free.
    The profile supports a great range of abilities, including situational aoe, stance dance, overpower, pummel, intercept, fear, disarm, recklessness as an "oh shit" solution, even opening clams automatically (it farmed me a few godlen pearls while i was letting it grind) etc.
    It selects abilities depending on the type of enemy (ex, it will not try to bleed an elemental), will prefer ranged pull if it can split the packs of mobs (get a bow and put the arrows in the ammo slot).
    The bot will use new spells as you buy them and it's behavior will change according to what spells you currently have available,
    also, don't forget that warriors are pretty hard to level up, do update your character's equipment when you got the chance and don't try to grind +1 or +2 lvl mobs while leveling,
    it doesn't end well. 
    The bot was developped for the Us client, i have not tested on different clients, thus i have no idea if it would break the code.
    Ps : there might be bugs, this is the latest version i could find while browsing my old hard drive, i will update if i find a newer version.
    Ps2: The stance dance /  overpower part of the code often generates lua errors, which you can simply hide with an addon => "Improved Error Frame (IEF)".
    I hope you have a lot of fun, fell free to leave your opinion!


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