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Posts posted by Bugreporter

  1. Sure, all profiles are save. And the earth is flat.


    I think Blizzard dont have any problems with it, if you download the profiles and save it to your disk.


    Or did you mean:Botting is save? Never! If you use a bot (whichever), live with the fear. if you get banned, you get what you deserve.

  2. I did this and it didnt work. It also try to cast while mounting....

              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool">
              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionUnitNear">
              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua">
                <LuaScript>if UnitIsPVP("player") or (UnitInParty("player")==nil) then retV=1; end</LuaScript>
              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua">
                <LuaScript>start, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown("1784"); </LuaScript>
              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionBool" />
              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionBool" />
              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionBool" />
          <DescriptionSpell>Stealth if hostile 30 Yards away. only pvp or solo</DescriptionSpell>
  3. How to disable casting while farming ?


    00:00:08 - Farm Something > here ; there ; everywhere ; "None"
    [F] 00:00:11 - Cast Stealth
    [F] 00:00:11 - Cast Stealth
    [F] 00:00:11 - Cast Stealth
    00:00:14 - Farm successful


    btw. stealth should not use target and must be work out of combat....

    "unlock fps limit" and "improve combat rotation speed" are on.

  4. I am very unhappy with the enemy detection. Without any changes my fight class profile will work on enemys and training dummys . But it try to attack friendly Enemys like the Orcs on the Netherwing Ledge. Also I have problems with the Brawl'gar Arena. (nothing happens).

    A workaround for the Brawl'gar Arena is to disable "only in combat" and using "targettargeting me" instead.

    A workaround for the Orcs is "unitisEnemy" and "UnitCanAttack", but with this , the Profile doesnt work on Training dummys.

    So i try to work on a lua-script solution like this:

    local L = MyLocalizationTable
    local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
    if (GetUnitName("target") == L["Training Dummy"]) or (GetUnitName("target") == L["Raider's Training Dummy"]) then

    (frameoutput is for test only)


    if retV=1 all is fine

    But this displays only "start" on the chat-frame. no "end", no "dummy", no "target". And the conditon is never true at a dummy .

    Any Ideas?

  5. Because it couldn't be found by the search.




    The following search terms are not allowed and were removed from your query: rep


    One or all of your search keywords were below 4 characters or you searched for words which are not allowed, such as 'html', 'img', etc, please increase the length of these search keywords or choose different keywords.

  6. 1 low pet (elementary)

    2 lvl 25 pets (flying)


    - Fighting against Aqua pets

    - manual change form low pet to high pet, because the change-after-first-hit-script doesnt work correct (the changepet command is not ready)

    - And again and again and again it tries to change back to the low elementary pet.


    Product settings:

    all off,

    except : revive after one pet dead: on


    see log (via PM)

  7.               Player attack WildPet (Lvl 1)

    (+5 sek) Player attack WildPet (Lvl 1)

    (+5 sek) Player attack WildPet (Lvl 1)

    (+5 sek) Player attack WildPet (Lvl 1)

    (+5 sek) Player attack WildPet (Lvl 1)



    If there is not enough room for a pet batle , it tries and tries and tries...Its not very productive


    May be its a good idea to try another pet or change the position of the Char (just a few steps)



  8. second: the script will be executed right before the second spell (the first do the damage), and the second spell will be executed. Maybe this is the problem with point one, that the script doesnt work sometimes.



    The problem is that C_PetBattles.ChangePet(i); will be started, but not be executed. the problem is maybe a bug in the Blizzard-UI. Maybe it could be checked per Script if the change is done, and if not     C_PetBattles.ChangePet(i); have to be executed until the change is done...this could also end in a endless-loop......


  9. ... the level of the Pets in the Logfile before (or after) the fight. like:

    Player (23/25/25) Attack Wolf.


    ... Autopause if 25/25/25 (or another Comination (Settings)) is reached.


    ...Change of the first Pet after the first spell (Key 1, see posts before)


    ...Anonymising of the logfile. With the information of date/time and coordinations I think its simple to compare it with the Blizzard-DB


    ...Actions with the Pets without running to near to it. The Pet battle  could be startet with a range from ca. 10-20 m. Its not nessessary to run to the pets.


    ...Detection of "no space for a fight". If a pet battle wont start after the second try , it could be a good idea to do a few steps backward (at the moment) or forward (if "far-battle" (see above) is realisied).


    ...Autochange the first  pet. This take only sense, if point 3 of this list is realised, because the blacklist of spells are not realy needed any more. The autochange should be realised with a few parameters, like level-between-range and Pet-Type (its not a good idea to level beasts against mech-types :-) ) . Pets should be changed after the level is reached, or the pet is dead and no revive is possible (i.e. 7 min to next revive)


    ...pause, if first pet is dead and no rive/change is possible.


    ...pause, if all pets are dead and no revive is possible. Dont start to run/flight to he next position.


    ...pause for a minute or so, if at all positions no pet fights possible.


    ...hmmm....(to be continued)

  10. There are a few Problems with this solution.


    At first: it looks like that the lua script sometime will be ignored.


    second: the script will be executed right before the second spell (the first do the damage), and the second spell will be executed. Maybe this is the problem with point one, that the script doesnt work sometimes.


    third: Its not nessesary to do damage on the pet to get exp. Its only nessessary to do a (one) spell or to get damage (after a switch) . The spell can miss, thats not a problem. So the best solution is: Switch the first pet after the first spell. Its a good idea to use only the spell on key 1 for this. because of the durations of some other spells. (the Blacklist of spell helps, but it will got a very long list if I add all spells with duration or heal or dot (low damage, maybe coverd by a shield) on key 2 and 3 )

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