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  1. Is it possible to make a profile that just stands in one place, but ques for PvP pet battles? In theory, if you left this on overnight you could just keep spamming these pet battles and gain exp over and over, I tried to make a small profile that stands in one place but there's always a lot of battle pets nearby so there's never a chance to just que, it always goes arond battling more pets.
  2. I see Grinder profiles, but for horde it starts at level 25, and even after that there are quite a few profiles missing for leveling! I'm not going to risk leveling in BG just because I don't want to be banned so easily. I looked in the downloads section and I don't see any low level profiles for horde. HOW DO YOU GUYS LEVEL?
  3. What's the farm rate of 0.7? With 0.6 + Blacklist I'm getting 85-100 farms/hour.
  4. To each his own I guess. I like 0.6 better, I added the 0.5 Blacklist to 0.6 and it works at 90 farms per hour now. Pretty decent but could be better. Thanks again Seumas. Could you make a herbing path?
  5. I ran for 4 hours. In 2 phases. Started it once, came back two hours later, 2 full bags but it was stuck. Restarted it and got out of combat, came back two hours later. It was stuck again. How long did you run it for? UPDATE EDIT: 1) Mailbox in Halfhill works like a charm, tyvm for adding a neutral mailbox, good thinking. 2) So what I did was I copied the "Blacklist" from 0.5 over to the 0.6 list. Ran it for 2 hours, came back with 90 Farms per hour and no stops. Guess that's a bit better. Will run overnight and see results.
  6. Seumas, you forgot to add a blacklist zone, it gets stuck in quite a few places where it gets in combat and then cannot get out of it. I would suggest just taking the blacklist from 0.5 and copying it over to 0.6 (I tried it myself but it wont let me copy, idk how), could you please add the blacklist? Overall this profile seems to be an improvement to the farms/hour number. Looking forward to using 0.6 once the blacklist is updated.
  7. Hey Ohren, what kind of results are you getting? The most I've had is 65 Farms/Hour
  8. Title says it all. I googled "Sell WoW Gold" and most of the websites only offer 0.3-0.6/k. I have 100k to sell that means I'd only get around 30-60$. Which is insane when the same sites are selling the SAME gold for over 1$/k. Where do you guys sell your WoW Gold? Any tips?
  9. Hey Seumas. Great Profile! I tested it last night, left it on for 14 hours, when I checked "In Game" tab the bot said the farming rate was only 504 farms over all, 35 Fm/Hour. The profile says it does 135-140/hour. The highest I've ever seen it do is around 60/hour. Now I'm farming on the US 3rd LEAST populated realm. There are only 30-40 people online on the ENTIRE server so there is absolutely 0% chance of someone stealing my nodes. When I watch the Bot, it seems to be skipping a LOT of nodes. Is that just because they're blacklisted or is there some kind of problem with my Wrobot settings? Also, the profile only has a Mailbox set up for Alliance, is it possible you could quickly add one for Horde? I'd do it myself but I have no idea how. To anyone else, what are your results? What are you guys getting for Farms/Hour rate with this profile? I'd like to maximize my efficiency, please help.
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