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    itslarjak reacted to Marsbar for a file, [FREE] wDiscord - A discord bot to suit your needs.   
    UPDATED: This needed updating as the way bots work has been updated by discord. Changes include:
    You cannot have the word "discord" in your bot name - this will make it just not work. Either rename it or create a new application/bot Slash commands! No longer use the . prefix. Now you would use /say instead of .say Bot scope - when inviting your bot to your server you need to have the bot.commands scope.  Guild ID requirement - this is a bit of laziness from me but this is now a setting you need to set up before using the plugin. Included in the guide at the bottom. wDiscord is a 2 way discord and WRobot integration bot, you will receive alerts to your chosen discord server and channel when in game events such as whispers, deaths and trade requests, etc. happen. You can also then respond to these alerts and a variety of ways via commands in discord. This is the spiritual successor of wDiscordAlert, a free 1 way discord alerting plugin, if you don't need to send commands you can find it here: https://wrobot.eu/files/file/1510-wdiscordalert/
    Feature list:
    Multi-char monitoring and commands on one (or multiple) discord server(s)
    Status update on timer
    Simple setup (just a bot for both ways, no webhooks like wDiscordAlert)
    Event alerts (bot will send a message to discord):
    Say Emote Whisper Party Guild Party invite Duel request Trade request Guild request Player death Player stuck Configurable alert prefixes (@everyone, etc.) Configurable alert screenshots Configurable alert area blacklists for say/emote (default contains some capital cities) Commands:
    status setup say party whisper reply (to lastest whisper) channelsay  macro (TBC and above only!!!) reloadui screenshot gif hearth stop bot start bot pause bot resume bot accept request (such as party invite) decline request leave party logout exit game Do a to town run Product (like battlegrounder/quester) - list,set fightclass - list,set profile – list (set coming soon) bag - list General Config Commands:
    groundmount flyingmount foodname drinkname drinktoggle drinkpercent foodpercent selltoggle repairtoggle sellrarity donotsell - add,remove,list forcesell - add,remove,list mailtoggle mailrecipient donotmail - add,remove,list forcemail - add,remove,list Getting started:
    27th June - Updated with command to list bag items (.bag list) and an issue with ppl unable to purchase from Rocketr
    2nd July - Updated with command to show professions levels (.profs), stopped status spam if disconnected and added a setup tutorial video to the getting started
    8th July - Updated with Quest objective tracking & automatic clearing of the screenshots folder on startup.
    28th August - Updated with a .setup command, see new getting started, added a .gif command to send yourself a short gif of ingame! (also some small fixes and better logging) https://gyazo.com/ce1bdf5180e426fd8d26480c492ccffe
    1st October - Found a bug I introduced which caused a few errors on status/screenshots. Also added 3 new commands, .reloadui, .channelsay (eg. .channelsay 1 Barrens chat 4evaaa!) and .macro (include the slash to use). Marco only works for TBC upwards, no vanilla im afraid.
    19th April - Substantial re-write, updated settings style, added auth, added auto updates, updated help command. More features to come.
    29th May - More filters on what messages to alert on (requested by user)
    Made free
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