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  1. How do I create a profile that just attacks a mob that is in a different location every time it spawns. I just need something that goes to the mob when its targeted.
  2. I play on a private server 3.3.5 and dont know how to create a repetitive farm. Its going to be killing one boss (loot, out, . i u all, repeat). Would someone be able to help me with this?
  3. Alright so I play a private server (WoTLK). This server is very heavy with grinding mobs in instances. I am currently in grulls for grinding. I have a quester profile that will run to the hotspot at the end of the raid and on its way it kills the mobs and loots them. Once I get to the end of the raid it will just stand there and not turn around and run out. Its stuck on that pulse.
  4. So i play on a wotlk on private server, and i have tried so use preset dungeons for magisteres terrace. Every time I use this at the beginning of the instance my guy runs away off the map. The grinder version is pretty good because its easier to customize (non programer here). I have a macro that can reset the instance, but the problem is even with what I have ready I still cannot cast the macro. I would like to get the quest version working because it is better, but honestly as long as i dont have to keep resetting the instances by hand it would be great.
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