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Tommy Cox

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Everything posted by Tommy Cox

  1. Are we really sure it's detected and not bad proxies or it just looking obvious. I don't bot hard core maybe only vs elites or trash pulls. I was on my toon when I saw the ban wave just didn't have the bot on at the time.
  2. More than likely he's just testing it. Wouldnt risk it unless otherwise stated.
  3. If its detected on one realm it should be detected on all right?
  4. I dont think Wrobot itself is delectable. I see bots from time to time and its somewhat obvious how they act. Plus im pretty sure they know the accounts that bot and just wait for enough to show up and ban then regardless if they are on or not. They're not going to catch you right away and ban you, because you'll not exactly why and adjust. The account you're on right now could be flagged and you dont even know it. And i'm pretty sure the GM or the person who designs the bot detection software has Wrobot so they know what to look for.
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