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Everything posted by bigjohnman

  1. Droidz, can you make a plugin that dismounts when you are right next to a node? The problem is that it dismounts too late, and avoids the node. as you can see from the video. thanks
  2. He's the one being rude acusing me of being a pirate.
  3. Or I have a forum account that isn't linked to my botting account. https://gyazo.com/85fd663819a79ec529a1eb4b0d095101 now shut the hell up
  4. I did it myself, but I want it to start fireblasting AFTER frostbolt, if I place frostbolt as a higher priority to fireblast it doesn't use fireblast at all, but if fireblast is the higher priority it always uses fireblast first to engage combat, instead of doing it after a frostbolt like a normal human would. How can I fix this, thanks. Basically, I want it to always use fireblast when it is off cooldown, but I want it to always be used after the first frostbolt. Aaron frost mage.xml
  5. Never heard so much crap in my life
  6. How do I reset wow settings? Also I don't have any other mount
  7. Please fix!
  8. I tried lua to move, same thing happens. What do you mean reset wow keybinding?
  9. 4 Nov 2018 03H55.log.html
  10. The log I attached is an old one, whenever I press "save log to desktop" it just creates that one, but even after I clear the log it always creates that one.. lol
  11. Here is a video of it in action - It happens all the time. When the node is on slanted ground it dismounts and slides away, and instead of running back up to the node and mining it, it thinks it has already been mined and flies off and then continues with the route. Log also attached.
  12. Hey, this fight class does everything I want, except it doesnt use fire blast and doesn't always use evocation. Could someone modify it so it fire blasts the mob it is fighting after frostbolt, always when it is off CD. Could it also be modified to always use evocation when it is off CD (unless you are flying, or are over 70% hp/mana) Thanks Tom 1-80 Frost Mage fixed.lnk
  13. Thanks but this is not the problem, it happens when there is a node or two nodes on the mini map and it creates its own path to go and farm them (which it should) and then when flying from one node to another it can get stuck in a tree, or anything, and it will just fly into the tree repeatedly lol and starts shaking. This happens no matter what the range is set to. I'll get log when it next happens.
  14. Hey I'm new to the bot, but I've created a profile to farm herbs in hellfire. I turn on "record path" and then fly around my desired hellfire route and then turn off record path. I then save the profile and start the bot. It runs really well but after 10 minutes it gets stuck in these "wooden spike walls" when attempting to go for herbs. I never went close to these spikes when I recorded the path, how can I fix this? So the bot keeps going and doesn't get stuck? Thanks
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