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  1. Ya. basically, in Gorground WOD. All those flying wild pets in the air, they have to be right clicked to start the pet battle. Left click doesn't work. Those flying pets are really really high up in the air. So now the bot just standing under them jumping and jumping. If this can be fixed with the next release that will be great Thanks
  2. how many battles have you tried. ? I got like 2 wins with my all cheese 3 Nexus Whelpings nuke team. And that was with hours of queuing. Possibly against other bots. So PVP petbattle bot is not worth it I am afraid. If you only need "a couple of wins". Just play it manually.
  3. Hi, do you have a sample C# fightclass that can do this ? it will be very helpful for timeless isle stuff also.
  4. what class can survive warbringers without moving out of his frontal cone AOE ? blood DK ? and probably needs 500+ ilvl also.
  5. Thanks for the reply here is the snake http://www.wowhead.com/npc=72841/death-adder
  6. Hi new user here. I made a profile on timeless isle to farm elite turtles and other animal elites. The Default Arm Warrior fight class worked great with melee (all of them) because they will come to me. In this case with the elite snake that just sits there. I think it has a huge hit box. My warrior will get into melee Auto Attack Range. So AA will hit. But he can never use mortal strike. and it keeps on saying it is out of range. If I manually move him a yard or two forward, then everything works fine. So my question is: is there any settings (range check) in the xml that I can specify to force my warrior walk forward to use mortal strike ? Also another general question for: TImeless Isle. Since it is like a BG where you can auto rez at the spirit healer, is there a way to make me wait at the spirit healer instead of run to the corpse. After dying a lot (due to people farming blood coins), running to the corpse becomes very obvious. EDIT: After some digging, I should edit the fight class range parameter right ? set it lower I guess. I will try a bit later today. That leaves only the question about timeless isle auto rezzing. Maybe I can use the battleground profile creator ?
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