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Everything posted by Vo1k

  1. found plugin by Droidz. few yards teleport protection. its the best ! but i don't understand how propertly configure this very strange parameter - private const double MaxYardPerSecond = 200; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using robotManager.Helpful; using robotManager.Products; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; using Timer = robotManager.Helpful.Timer; public class Main : wManager.Plugin.IPlugin { private const double MaxYardPerSecond = 200; private const int PauseTimeSecond = 5560 * 3; private bool _running; public void Initialize() { Logging.Write("[TPpause] Loadded."); _running = true; var lastPos = ObjectManager.Me.Position; var t = new Stopwatch(); t.Start(); while (_running && Products.IsStarted) { try { if (Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore) { if (ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(lastPos) > MaxYardPerSecond * ((double)t.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000)) { try { Products.InPause = true; Logging.Write("[TPpause] TP detected, pause bot for " + PauseTimeSecond + " seconds."); var pauseTimer = new Timer(PauseTimeSecond * 1000); while (Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndProductStarted) { if (pauseTimer.IsReady) break; if (Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore) break; Thread.Sleep(50); } } catch { } finally { Products.InPause = false; } } } lastPos = ObjectManager.Me.Position; t.Restart(); } catch {} Thread.Sleep(20); } } public void Dispose() { _running = false; Logging.Write("[TPpause] Disposed."); } public void Settings() { MessageBox.Show("[TPpause] No settings for this plugin."); } }
  2. I made plugin - Working !! using System.ComponentModel; using wManager.Plugin; public class Main : IPlugin { private bool _isLaunched; public void Initialize() { robotManager.Events.LoggingEvents.OnAddLog += delegate(robotManager.Helpful.Logging.Log log) { if (log != null) { if (log.Text.Contains("[MovementManager] Think we are stuck")) robotManager.Products.Products.ProductStop(); } }; } public void Dispose() { _isLaunched = false; } public void Settings() { } }
  3. plugin request - stop bot when when log message [MovementManager] Think we are stuck help me please
  4. this plugin not working ! maybe detect this mesages and stop bot ? [N] - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck [N] - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out possible this decides GM freeze/sleep problem and teleport for bot stucks it's serious danger to get banned( I no't want get ban !
  5. i get another plugin and modify him working !! using System; using System.Threading; using robotManager.Helpful; using robotManager.Products; using wManager.Plugin; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; using Timer = robotManager.Helpful.Timer; public class Main : IPlugin { private bool _isLaunched; public void Initialize() { _isLaunched = true; var t = new Timer(1000 * 1); // 1 sec while (_isLaunched && Products.IsStarted) { try { if (t.IsReady && Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndProductStartedNotInPause) { t.Reset(); if(ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Mind Vision")) { Products.ProductStop(); // or close: Environment.Exit(0); Logging.Write("Mind vision."); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteError("[Mind vision]: " + e); } Thread.Sleep(150); } } public void Dispose() { _isLaunched = false; } public void Settings() { } }
  6. this plugin not working ( bot auto dont stop when GM put mynd vision on my character
  7. how to stop bot when Game master modify my character speed ? this possible attack vector and very dangerous to get banned !
  8. this impossible because very dangerous very small time to do this
  9. when game master teleport my character i get load or reload screen maybe possible detect this and stop bot ? it's serious danger to get banned(
  10. how to disable anti stuck ? game master stop my character (sleep - Freezing. etc) for anti stuck check it's serious danger to get banned(
  11. how to stop bot when Game master change mob faction ? it's serious danger to get banned(
  12. how to stop bot when Game master Uses sleep to my character ? it's serious danger to get banned(
  13. how to stop bot when Game master teleport my character to another place in curent location ? it's serious danger to get banned(
  14. how to stop bot when game master change my character - into the lich king or somthing else ?? it's serious danger to get banned !
  15. hello help me. what me to do with this code ?? Mind Vision check its serius danger to get banned !! If (ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Mind Vision")) Products.InPause = true;
  16. how to stop bot when Game master change my character size ? its serius danger to get banned(
  17. how create fight class for shadow priest ?
  18. Bot did not Fish in route. its a very Dangerous really easy to get banned ! how to make the bot dont break away from the route ??
  19. how to stop bot when Game master Mind Vision check ? its serius danger to get banned(
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