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Everything posted by Lowky

  1. .. the macro itsself seemed to be the problem. used /script if not buffed("Moonfire", "Target") then CastSpellByName("Moonfire") end for testing. removed the buffed function after disabling addons (since its a supermacro function) and used /script CastSpellByName("Moonfire") which still wouldnt work. changed to /cast Moonfire and suddenly it does. Tbh, im confused af .. shouldnt UseAction use the macro regardless of its contents?? All macros work when used manually - just the bot decides not to use those containing functions.
  2. disabled all addons (should have started with that ..^^) same issue though
  3. nope no lua error .. doesnt seem to take any API functions i tried so far might it have something to do with me using a trial version atm?
  4. according to your link both should be fine, ID isnt working either. [F] 18:41:01.996 - [FightClass] Launch LUA script: RunMacro(1) uses the script, but does nothing ingame (apart from melee)
  5. Hey guys, im new to Wrobot and currently having fun exploring some of its features ? Im trying to include my ingame macros into a fightclass. Is there any way to do this? Some of them use data from various addons (such as swingtimers, combat log events, energy ticks etc.) to work properly. I've been trying the macro section in the General Options. The "press all x seconds" option seems to be an integer, thus not allowing values <1. Because Swingtimers change frequently due to proccs/WF, i would need the Combat Routine to spam the macro (at least once every 200ms) for a precise use. Cheers
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