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Everything posted by ronkert

  1. Did a GM whisper you ingame?
  2. This worked. thank you! Yeah will check it out. I am running through different IPs
  3. Been trying to figure this out. I am using a proxy with 3 different wow.exe's. I can start mupltiple relogger.exe's but I need to change the exe. pathing everytime. Any way to fix this?
  4. Daym. Is that the price for a single grinding profile or a package? I never spend more than 2-5 minutes creating one. Edit: Didn't read the private part. Might make sense for private stuff but damn people are lazy.
  5. I make my own profiles but that has nothing to do with it. I have no idea if they can ever make any anticheat to detect this software but when you have 3-4 bots ontop of eachother you make it pretty easy to analyze and learn. I tried explaining that to one guy botting and he was pretty toxic in reply, are you this guy?
  6. I see so many bots it's disgusting. Atleast use your brain and don't bot using a public profile when it's allready 3 other bots on the same spot in a 3 inch radius. Makes me fucking angry
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