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File Comments posted by Kalimero91uk

  1. I completed the quests manually yes. I tried looking up the Quest ID for quests I have done so i can put them in the list, but I couldnt find them online. I ended up leveling manually to lvl 8 and then it worked again. I was wondering, do you have a breakdown of "tasks" you could share? Just incase I am playing manually as well so I know where your profile will start at which level

  2. Hey,

    I have just started using Wrobot and bought your profile (and the FrostMage fightclass one) and I have a couple of questions.
    I am lvl7 and did the first few Kharanos quests and now your profile is attempting to pick those quests up but they are not there? Is there a certain point after this I should start at thats better? Or do I have to start from scratch for it to have effect? Also, I keep getting an error message I should type my order ID faster and that I should restart Wrobot, but it never prompted me to type one in in the first place. Is this something that needs to be done every single time I turn on wrobot? Can I do it manually before I start?


    Another thing I keep getting stuck on is when my char tries to skin a mob that someone else didnt loot. Is there a way around this? Sorry if this is not something to do with your profile. I am very new to this bot (havent used a bot since glider/pather, and they were amazing back then) so I dont know what profile gives what instructions here

  3. Hi,

    I keep getting a popup saying I need to enter order ID into plugin settings in order for it to run. However plugin settings screen is empty for me?

    I downloaded the fightclass and placed it in the appropriate folder. I also paid for the profile and have the key in my email. Could you please explain what I need to do or point me to a thread that does? (same problem with quest profile)


    Update: Found it. It is the first line in settings, need to paste the order ID in. Still not sure about quest profiles tho

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