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Quester - Vanilla

45 files

  1. [Free][Unfinished] 1-60 Horde Grinder

    Basically this is just an unfinished project with some class quests and all grinding routes to 60.
    However, not all hotspots to 60 are correct, so you need to open this in quest editor after level 40 or so and correct the routes by adding hotspots to the quests to421, to422, to423.
    The profile is finished. You just need to use the Quest Editor to add mob IDs and hotspots after level 40 or so.

    This randomly switches between grinding areas every few minutes, so don't take spots too far apart. I meant to make this as an example for other people to use, so they could create more advanced grinders, but never finished it. Now it's up to you guys to use it as you please.


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  2. [Example] Random areas (on a timer) for grinding

    This is not a quester useful in itself.

    It uses 2 positions in Wetlands as an example on how to use such a timer to make grinding random and switch between areas every x minutes.
    Keep in mind, this heavily depends on the functions in the Custom Scripts part, where I added a QuestHelper class.

    It is meant as an educational file to help users create better grinders for themselves.


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  3. [PAID] WHorde for Vanilla (1-60) – unauth | 441 quests

    **No refunds – you are purchasing a digital copy of a product
    Disclaimer: I, the owner and creator of this product, am not associated with the WRobot company.
    – WHorde:  1-60 Quester
    PURCHASE LINK – $5.00 – Unlimited IP License
    – WBundle:  WHorde + WPack Plugins (20%+ discount)
    PURCHASE LINK – $8.00 – Single IP License (1)
    PURCHASE LINK – $10.00 – Three IP License (3)
    PURCHASE LINK – $12.00 – Five IP License  (5)
    PURCHASE LINK – $15.00 – Ten IP License  (10)
    Small NPC database – this is resolved by WTrainer or HMP plugins No class quests – available separately, courtesy of @Andoido – HERE Single starting zone (Tauren); starting profile will safely route all characters to this zone prior to beginning questing Starting zone demo attached as download for testing Features:
    Unauthenticated – automatic delivery of encrypted files No Rocketr ID's required 408 total quests Table of contents (index profile) for quick loading of profiles Prevents completed steps from being checked for completion every time bot is started Stop/start proof – all quests are mutually exclusive; will not reattempt to pick up, turn in or pulse completed quests Rogue & Warrior-friendly design Only completes simple yellow & orange quests Go here, deliver this, talk to NPC, etc. Kill, gather, explore, etc. quests are only completed once green No need to buy weapons off of AH; entire profile can be completed using mob drops & quest rewards Grind areas specifically selected for Warrior & Rogue classes Custom grind scripts Selects new grind location after each ToTown state, e.g., buy, sell, repair, train, etc. Custom scripts for escort quests Avoids stealing follow NPC quests from other players Prevents following of target NPC if quest is started by other players Marks quest as completed if failed – prevents Quester from getting stuck on FollowNPC steps Custom scripts for quests requiring item use on weakened and dead mobs Hard-coded pathing and custom interact scripts for problematic or otherwise difficult gather quests Custom step-ordering for quests located within caves Fights into cave Loots or kills objective Fights out of cave Booty Bay Includes OffMesh connections that correct most pathing issues in and around Booty Bay Custom pathing steps for onboarding and offboarding of Ship to and from Ratchet Custom scripting that resets all Ship steps in the event of being ganked while in transit Instructions:
    During checkout, you must provide the full URL address to your WRobot profile This step allows the product to be encrypted and unauthenticated to your specific WRobot license key Example:   https://wrobot.eu/profile/69412-elitecasaj00/ After checkout, a product delivery e-mail will be delivered containing download instructions Once downloaded, extract the profile contents to your WRobot\Profiles\Quester folder Example:  WRobot\Profiles\Quester\WHorde\WHorde_01-08.xml Always start WRobot using the index profile – WHorde\WHorde_00-index.xml
      If you encounter any trouble, product support is available through Discord – HERE  


       (1 review)



  4. [A] Alliance 1-35 quest profiles

    A tested Alliance Human Quester for Vanilla 1.12 Servers using Wrobot.

    This product is a single profile for 1-30, plus a single 30-35 file using the quest framework.  Quests in human + Dwarf zones.  There is grind in this profile ( As its Vanilla WoW this is expected), however majority of the EXP comes from completing / turning in quests.

    Starts in human start zones and moves between zones in Eastern kingdoms as it levels.  Does not take the boat to Kalimdor.

    Required bot to start at level 1.  Release v1 will be the 1-35 release.  Once feedback input has been included will break the file down to allow different starting levels.  Preferred classes are Warlock, Paladin, Hunter, Druid and Priest.  Mage is passable.  Rogues and Warrior's may struggle( As normal with Vanilla WoW).

    If you have any feedback I'm always open to ideas and if you like the file post a review!




       (12 reviews)



  5. [Free] Vanilla 1-60 Horde

    This was originally created as a paid profile, but due to work and life I was never able to perfect it and clean up the various issues it had.
    I am posting this as I saw the Project Wholesome thing, and I wanted to at least contribute since I have been away for quite some time.
    This is certainly not as high quality as other PAID options out there, and I fully recommend purchasing those options for a complete and viable solution.
    I would recommend starting from Durotar with this profile.
    I have not touched the files in a year, nor have I had a chance to see if they are still able to run.
    They were originally using auto-updater along with encryption, so there could be an issue with it trying to pull a version that may not exist.
    If there is an issue you can remove the updater line at the beginning of the file.
    Please let me know if there are problems and I will get it back in a running state.


       (1 review)



  6. FNV316 1-45 Quester Profile Pack Alliance Vanilla

    EDIT DROIDZ: FNV316 has been inactive for several months, despite all attempts to contact him we have no news, users who have paid no longer have access to it because autantification server is offline. So I decided to share these profiles for free (files encrypted for the momen to be able to disable them if he comes back), if he doesn't come back in next months the source code of the files will be shared. (source files shared)
    FNV316 1-45 Quester Profile Pack Alliance Vanilla
    Note: This is a BETA version and still under development. Due to this and the extent of this project, it's still likely to contain bugs or even create new bugs, when releasing new updates. So if something isn't working as intended, just message me and tell me what's wrong. I try to provide a solution as soon as possible.
    You can find video footage of this profile pack below. A demo version has already been released a couple of months ago, which you can find here. The 45-60 part is currently work in progress and planned to be released in July / August. There will also be an overall overhaul of the 1-40 path in that time, to fit to all the new stuff added over time and make the profiles more efficient.
    It tries to simulate a natural way of questing, as a human would, changing zones frequently and coming back later. The general path the profile follows is close to how I myself have played my characters in Vanilla / TBC  / WotLk.
    This profile pack has been recorded and tested on Eylsium / Light's Hope!
    Authentication system:
    These profiles now use a custom authentication system, to provide more security for me and my users. It has unfortunately become necessary to add such a system, due to more and more cases recently of sharing or even trying to resell them.
    This system links your Rocketr Order ID (which you can find within your purchase / delivery email) to your current IP, preventing multiple users from using the very same Order ID. This ID has only to be entered when running the profile for the very first time on your current machine. After changing your IP while already running it before, you have to wait ~30 minutes before the system allows processing.
    Important: If this new system causes issues related to your setup, don't hesitate to contact me, explain me your point and we will find a solution.
    -A fight class that is able to deal with at least two enemies at once
    -Default range pull for any class besides Paladin
    -Update your characters gear / spells / skills frequently, especially if playing Warrior & Rogue
    -An advanced C# fight class for botting with Warrior, Rogue and Mage
    -Full 1-45 leveling by questing (with minor grinding parts) Note: Profiles above level 40 contain more and longer grinding parts, due to overall lack of quests. The majority of exp is nevertheless earned by questing
    -Night Elf start (1-11)
    -Dwarf / Gnome start (1-6)
    -Hunter pet quests
    -Warlock pets Imp / Voidwalker
    -Druid bear form quest - (alpha state)
    -Rogue poison quest (code by Matenia, all credit to him) - (alpha state)
    -Warrior Deffensive / Berserker Stance quest chains - (alpha state)
    -Full Stalvan quest chain, Raene's Cleansing (until you receive Dartol's Rod of Transformation )
    -Automated boats
    -Automated abandoning of quests (still some quests missing, but you shouldn't have to make room yourself)
    -Automatically equips and buys - if necessary - up to 4 default 6 slot bags
    -Scripted Hearthstone
    -Fully scripted taxi (you can use inbuilt taxi nevertheless, but it can cause issues)
    -Automated discovery of any necessary flight paths
    -Automated item blacklist
    -Automated purchase of white vendor items at lower levels

    -A huge amount of custom routes, whenever it's necessary
    -(two basic fight classes for Paladin & Priest, that I used for testing)

    What has not been implemented, but will be in the future:
    -Flexile Taxi & Boats*  Boats are flexile in the overhaul version, for flexile taxi check out my free plugin
    -Further loading time optimization

    What will maybe be implemented:
    -Other class quests (Rogue poison, Warrior stance) Implemented

    Approximate run time (1-40):  5 days /played

    Class performance (1-5):
        Best                              Used Fight Class:
        Warlock*        4,5          eeny's Demon Affliction FC (free)
        Paladin           4             Self written fight class FCE** (included) / Matenia's Retribution Paladin 1-60
        Hunter*          4             Ordush's Beast Mastery Hunter (paid) / eeny's Hunter 1-60 BETA (free)
        Priest             3,5           Self written fight class FCE** (included) / Matenia's Shadowpriest 1-60 (paid)
        Druid              3,5           Matenia's [PAID] Feral Druid 1-60 (paid)
        Rogue            2,5            Matenia's [BETA][Vanilla] Combat Rogue 1-60 (paid) 
        Mage              2             Matenia's Frost Mage FC (paid)
        Warrior          1,5           Lbniese Warrior - Wrobot Arms & Fury Fightclass (paid)
       *After they got their lvl 10 pet  **Fight Class Editor
    Alpha state: Not fully tested or only run a few times. Bugs and issues are likely to occur
    Beta state: Tested and worked on live server repeatedly . Lower chance to experience bugs / issues, but not tested within a larger audience / under any possible condition so far
    Recommended Plugins:
    -WhatsGoingOn (free) - status frame to see what the bot is doing right now
    -HumanMasterPlugin (paid) - many amazing and handy features, that overall improve wRobot
    -VanillaFlightMaster (free) - dedicated for Vanilla, more reliable taxi system
    -AutoPetFeed Hunter (free) - automatically feeds your Hunters pet
    Special thanks to @Matenia for testing, general advice and providing me a free copy of his Mage Fight Class!
    Thanks to @penumbra & @Greens420 for their frequent feedback and bug reporting!
    I am the sole creator and owner of these files and I am not associated with the wRobot company in any way.
    Preview Video Loch Modan 13-17
    It consists of ~3 hours of the first half of Loch Modan between the grinding parts of my free 1-18 profile. Taxi (take taxi, get taxi node) is fully scripted, so that the automated taxi won't cause any trouble.
    Total deaths: 5
    Used plugins: iEquip (automatically equips better items)
    Dustwallow Marsh preview ~37-38:
     2,5 hours of video material
    Total deaths: 13 (most of them due to drowning)
    Used plugins: None, besides WhatsGoingOn (status frame)


       (10 reviews)



  7. RealQuester60Horde

    A Quester i did for WarmaneOutland(3x)
    Download files, select fc and run them.
    BOT IS DOING QUEST till level 60! no grinder!
    Bugs!! there are some. at some point bot wont use flightmaster anymore(i'd recommend turn off use trainer and do it manual)
    and also Desolace got some mapping problems.
    if u like it mb ill upload 60-70 ;)


       (2 reviews)



  8. [FREE] (13-20) The Crossroads – The Barrens

    The Crossroads – completes the following quests:
    I run this profile immediately following my Sen'jin Village & Razor Hill profile
    A Bundle of Hides – 6361 Altered Beings – 880 Apothecary Zamah – 853 Call of Fire – 1524 (Shaman) Call of Fire – 1525 (Shaman) Call of Fire – 1526 (Shaman) Call of Fire – 1527 (Shaman) Centaur Bracers – 855 Consumed by Hatred – 899 Disrupt the Attacks – 871 Echeyakee – 881 Egg Hunt – 868 Fungal Spores – 848 Hamuul Runetotem – 1489 Harpy Lieutenants – 875 Harpy Raiders – 867 Jorn Skyseer – 3261 Kolkar Leaders – 850 Letter to Jin'Zil – 1060 Lost in Battle – 4921 Mura Runetotem – 3301 Nara Wildmane – 1490 Plainstrider Menace – 844 Prowlers of the Barrens – 903 Raptor Thieves – 869 Report to Kadrak – 6541 Return to Jahan – 6364 Ride to Thunder Bluff – 6362 Serena Bloodfeather – 876 Stolen Silver – 3281 Supplies for the Crossroads – 5041 Tal the Wind Rider Master – 6363 The Angry Scytheclaws – 905 The Demon Seed – 924 The Disruption Ends – 872 The Forgotten Pools – 870 The Stagnant Oasis – 877 The Zhevra – 845 Wharfmaster Dizzywig – 1492 To the best of my knowledge, this profile includes all of the quests centered around The Crossroads – if I have  missed any quests, please provide a quest ID and I will include the missing quest(s).
    I did not include Verog the Dervish (851) because of spawn rate issues on Northdale; I also did not include Dig Rat Stew (862).
    If any quests fail or show errors, please report the quest name, ID and the issue that you witnessed so that I may troubleshoot and repair.
    NOTE:  The final quest in this profile, Egg Hunt, is a level 22 quest, but due to mob spawn rates and hatchlings, I recommend being level 24+ prior to pulsing – steps 115 & 116 can be disabled if your character has trouble completing this quest.


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  9. [FREE] (20+) Camp Taurajo – The Barrens

    Profile order:
    Red Cloud Mesa – Mulgore Bloodhoof Village & Thunder Bluff – Mulgore Sen'jin Village, Razor Hill & Orgrimmar – Durotar The Crossroads – The Barrens Ratchet – The Barrens Camp Taurajo – The Barrens Camp Taurajo – completes the following quests:
    A New Ore Sample – 1153 Betrayal from Within – 879 Betrayal from Within – 906 Blood Shards of Agamaggan – 5052 Cry of the Thunderhawk – 913 Enraged Thunder Lizards – 907 Gann's Reclamation – 843 Isha Awak – 873 Ishamuhale – 882 Lakota'mani – 883 Mahren Skyseer – 874 Melor Sends Word – 1130 Message to Freewind Post – 4542 Owatanka – 884 Revenge of Gann – 846 Revenge of Gann – 849 Steelsnap – 1131 The Ashenvale Hunt – 6382 Tribes at War – 878 Washte Pawne – 885 Weapons of Choice – 893 To the best of my knowledge, this profile includes all of the quests centered around Camp Taurajo – if I have missed any quests, please provide a quest ID and I will include the missing quest(s).
    If any quests fail or show errors, please report the quest name, ID and the issue that you witnessed so that I may troubleshoot and repair.
    NOTE:  The two (2) final quests in this profile, [29] A New Ore Sample & [30] Steelsnap, are based in Thousand Needles and involve higher level mobs than those found in the Southern Barrens; I recommend being level 28+ prior to pulsing, or simply babysitting the bot as these quests are underway – steps 69-72 can be disabled if your character has trouble completing these quests.


       (1 review)



  10. [FREE] (6-12) Sen'jin Village, Razor Hill & Orgrimmar – Durotar

    Durotar starting zone – completes the below quests:
    I run this profile on Tauren characters once I have completed all Mulgore quest lines – see my Mulgore profiles here and here
    After completing these three (3) profiles, my characters are typically level ~15 prior to beginning The Crossroads quest lines
    A Peon's Burden – 2161 A Solvent Spirit – 818 Ak'Zeloth – 809 Break a Few Eggs – 815 Carry Your Weight – 791 Conscript of the Horde – 840 Crossroads Conscription – 842 Dark Storms – 806 Encroachment – 837 Finding the Antidote – 813 From the Wreckage... – 825 Hidden Enemies – 5726 Hidden Enemies – 5727 Hidden Enemies – 5729 Lost But Not Forgotten – 816 Margoz – 828 Minshina's Skull – 808 Need for a Cure – 812 Neeru Fireblade – 829 Practical Prey – 817 Report to Orgnil – 823 Securing the Lines – 835 Skull Rock – 827 The Admiral's Orders – 830 The Admiral's Orders – 831 Thwarting Kolkar Aggression – 786 Vanquish the Betrayers – 784 Winds in the Desert – 834 Zalazane – 826 To the best of my knowledge, this profile includes all of the quests centered around Sen'jin Village, Razor Hill & Orgrimmar – if I have  missed any quests, please provide a quest ID and I will include the missing quest(s).
    If any quests fail or show errors, please report the quest name, ID and the issue that you witnessed so that I may troubleshoot and repair.


       (1 review)



  11. [FREE] (15-22) Ratchet – The Barrens

    Ratchet – completes the following quests:
    I run this profile immediately following my Crossroads profile
    A Captain's Vengeance – 891 Deepmoss Spider Eggs – 1069 Free From the Hold – 898 Ignition – 858 Miner's Fortune – 896 Nugget Slugs – 3922 Raptor Horns – 865 Rilli Greasygob – 3923 Samophlange – 894 Samophlange – 900 Samophlange – 901 Samophlange – 902 Samophlange Manul – 3924 Southsea Freebooters – 887 Stolen Booty – 888 The Escape – 863 The Missing Shipment – 890 The Missing Shipment – 892 WANTED:  Baron Longshore – 895 Wenikee Boltbucket – 3921 Ziz Fizziks – 1483 To the best of my knowledge, this profile includes all of the quests centered around Ratchet – if I have  missed any quests, please provide a quest ID and I will include the missing quest(s).
    If any quests fail or show errors, please report the quest name, ID and the issue that you witnessed so that I may troubleshoot and repair.


       (0 reviews)



  12. My horde questing profile

    My own questing profile, worked well for undeads to lvl 15 with Quest_Undead_1-15v5.xml
    then you should take the zeppelin and run the othe profile Quest_Crossroads_10-20 hibrido.xml or othe similar, really dont remember
    you should get level 2x in the barrens with no problems.
    then you can run the quester Quest_20-30_Stonetalon-Mountain.xml
    Grinder Profiles Horde.rar
    enjoy it


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    1 comment


  13. [FREE] (1-6) Red Cloud Mesa – Mulgore

    Tauren starting zone – completes the following quests:
    A Humble Task – 752 A Humble Task – 753 A Task Unfinished – 1656 Attack on Camp Narache – 781 Break Sharptusk! – 3376 Call of Earth – 1519 (Shaman) Call of Earth – 1520 (Shaman) Call of Earth – 1521 (Shaman) Rite of Strength – 757 Rites of the Earthmother – 755 Rites of the Earthmother – 763 Rune-Inscribed Note – 3093 (Shaman) The Battleboars – 780 The Hunt Begins – 747 The Hunt Continues – 750 Verdant Note – 3094 (Druid) Druid & Shaman class quests are included; if there is enough interest, I will provide the other two (2) Tauren class quests.
    To the best of my knowledge, this profile includes all of the quests centered around Red Cloud Mesa – if I have  missed any quests, please provide a quest ID and I will include the missing quest(s).
    If any quests fail or show errors, please report the quest name, ID and the issue that you witnessed so that I may troubleshoot and repair.


       (0 reviews)



  14. [FREE] (6-12) Bloodhoof Village & Thunder Bluff – Mulgore

    Tauren starting zone – completes the following quests:
    A Sacred Burial – 833 Call of Fire – 1523 (Shaman) Danger of the Windfury – 743 Dwarven Digging – 746 Heeding the Call – 5926 (Druid) Journey into Thunder Bluff – 775 Journey to the Crossroads – 854 Mazzranache – 766 Poison Water – 748 Preparation for Ceremony – 744 Rite of Vision – 767 Rite of Vision – 771 Rite of Vision – 772 Rite of Wisdom – 773 Rites of the Earthmother – 776 Sergra Darkthorn – 860 Sharing the Land – 745 Supervisor Fizsprocket – 765 Swoop Hunting – 761 The Barren Oases – 886 The Demon Scarred Cloak – 770 (Rare mob) The Hunter's Way – 861 The Ravaged Caravan – 749 The Ravaged Caravan – 751 The Venture Co. – 764 Thunderhorn Cleansing – 758 Thunderhorn Totem – 756 Wildmane Cleansing – 760 Wildmane Totem – 759 Winterhoof Cleansing – 754 Druid & Shaman class quests are included; if there is enough interest, I will provide the other two (2) Tauren class quests.
    To the best of my knowledge, this profile includes all of the quests centered around Bloodhoof Village & Thunderbluff – if I have  missed any quests, please provide a quest ID and I will include the missing quest(s).
    If any quests fail or show errors, please report the quest name, ID and the issue that you witnessed so that I may troubleshoot and repair.


       (0 reviews)



  15. Dungeon Quests Alliance (Pickup&turnin)

    Sharing these profiles for easy pickup/turnin quests for dungeons
    Will pickup all quests
    Will turnin all quests completed
    Deadmines ( Not ready)
    Stockade (Not tested )
    Gnomeregan (Not tested)


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  16. 1-14 Gnome / Dwarf Starting Zone - Completely AFK Support

    Heyya. This is my Gnome / Dwarf 1-14 that i modified from my new alliance profile. I put a good few days into this profile and I hope to see all positive remarks.
    This is profile #1of several I will be uploading this week. Hope you like it.
    On-screen display, to show what the bot is doing. No "Checking and Unchecking" of Quests. Customized to be completely afk. Start at any level and it will auto find where you need to go. Weapon Support - Bot will manually buy weapons at Level 7 and 14. Flight Paths - Run-code to pick all FPs. Bot will pickup Skinning. Weapon Master Training (Ironforge And Stormwind.) Deeprun Tram support. Hearth-bind in Kharanos. Will do all starting quests, and then move to next area. Most quests will be 1-2 levels below, so bot doesn't die. Vendor / Repair / Trainer Support. Profile will change bots base settings as well. Will buy items from Vendor, for specific quest. Custom pathing for long runs to avoid deaths.  
    Special Notes:
    1) i recommend using HumanMasterPlugin - by Matenia.
    2) Paid Fight Classes here on the forums (Matenia has a great selection.)
    3) I prefer setting my bot to 88 Search Range.
    4) Enable skinning, at level 6 ( - I forgot to buy a skinning knife, and add it to donotsell list >< will do soon though.)
    5) Melee Classes - Get MoveDuringCombat by Droidz.
    I have spent countless hours on the work you will be seeing soon this week. I just ask that if you find Any bugs, or any problems say something. This will in turn help me release a profile without flaws!
    Special Thanks:
    I would like to throw a shout out to @Droidz@Matenia@eeny@maylu for various things. I got the idea for weapon support from Eeny, Matenia guided me with some ideas, Maylu's idea behind TrulyAFK and droidz for making anything we do here possible.
    Please don't forget to rate / comment about it!


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  17. 1-23 Night Elf Starting Zone (Working Ship, Druid Bear Form, Weapons etc)

    Hey all. Here is upload #2 of several. This is my Night Elf Starting zone + level 23. I am aware there is a profile by @eeny already up, but i did put the work in on this and wanted to share.
    I put a lot of work into this profile, and i would ike to thank @Eeny for his druid bear form.
    This bot should be used with Questbot, and if you find any bugs, or repeated deaths i would hope you report it!
    Will do starting quests, travel to the 6-11 area, do quests, buy weapon go to darnassus, train weapons, run through portal, fly to darkshore, and quest / grind to 223,, then hop on a ship from Darkshore to Wetlands.
    This is an early release, i expect there will be bugs or issues and i would love to hear about then.
    1-23 Fully Automatic - Should beable to start the bot and not intervene. Same as Starting and Stopping. Automatic level tracking - Bot will detect level and start doing the quests. Bot will pick grinding spots at random. Ship usage - Darkshore -> Wetlands. Flight Path usage (forced flying.) Druid Bear Form Quests. Automatic buying of Weapons at level 6/7 ( I plan to add more vendors at higher levels.) Automatic Weapon Master Training. Will learn herbalism Custom pathing on longer quests to prevent dying. On-Screen Display that shows what the bot is doing. On-Screen Chat Messages, for important events. Custom Run-Code to modify Wrobot's base settings.  
    Grab a paid fight class from @Matenia Grab HumanMasterPlugin from @Matenia if you plan to run to 60. If you wish to save time, put 50 silver on your char. Buy yourself a green weapon ! (if you buy a weapon manually, be sure to uncheck between If and Endif in the settings) Get skinning at level 6. This helps with $$ Special Thanks
    I would like to thank @eeny I used some of your druid bear form code. I also used your class quest quest order from your NE 1-12. (level 1 quests).
    My horde 1-60 + random grind spots is halfway done. I am hoping i get to sell it - My question to you, What would you like to see in a Quester+Grinder profile ? Like if you bought several other users profiles, and wanted to add something specific what would it be? Let me know!
    Rate and Comment below, thanks guys.


       (0 reviews)



  18. Working SHIP Codes - Wetlands to Theramore + Theramore to Wetlands + Darkshore to Wetlands

    Working Ship scripts i built that work everytime!
    Wetlands -> Theramore Theramore -> Wetlands Darkshore -> Wetlands Will Board ship, wait till it reaches dock, and backup off the ship into the water. Please Rate and Comment below!


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  19. Deeprun Tram (Ironforge to Stormwind + Stormwind to Ironforge)

    Hello all,
    I extracted the code i have for Deeprun Tram for thoes of you who are creating profiles and are having a hard time this is a great example.
    Based on the profile by @ScripterQQ - His weapons trainer profile, I just modified stuff and made it more Specific (sw to Ironforge, Ironforge to SW)
    I modified this a bit to fit my needs and i hope this helps anybody who needs it.
    Bot will use the MIDDLE Tram Cart always. Keep that in mind if you wish to use this.
    Chat display showing what the bot is doing 2 Files - Stormwind -> Ironforge and Ironforge -> Stormwind. Trains at Weapons masters in IF and SW Also has On_Screen display to show the bots movements. Will only board tram if its within 30 yards. Will turn off "Close bot if teleported" when Entering or Exiting the portals. Will run to Weapons Master Trainer (But will not train) If you wish to add weapons master training, just add simple runcode/lua to click the popup buttons etc - easy to find on Wrobot.
    Please remember to rate and comment below!
    Special Thanks:
    @ScripterQQ Who built a profile for all of the training. His code is what i use and modified a tiny bit, all credit for it goes to him.


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    1 comment


  20. [FREE] [A] Dwarf + Gnome starting file 1-12

    A free quest/grind file that i use for fresh gnome / dwarf bots 1-12.
    Like always it works best if you can send a lvl 5-7 green weapon to the bot, i want to add auto weapon buying at lvl 7 in the next few days.  I have already added low level auto armor buying for gear dependant classes (Warrior, Rogue, Paladin, Hunter).
    Its not as fast lvl'ing as humans, however it should be AFK and zones a bit quieter...
    If you have any additions / ideas let me know and we can incorporate them.


       (0 reviews)



  21. 75-130 LockPicking (HORDE)

    Heyya. This is by no means a super awesome profile.
    Go to the Poisons boss (gallywax in barrens)
    1) Make IN GAME MACRO:
    /run for b=0,4 do for s=1,36 do n=GetContainerItemLink(b,s);if n and string.find(n,"Cache of Zanzil's Altered Mixture") then PickupContainerItem(b,s);DeleteCursorItem();end;end;end; Put on bar.
    2) Go into WROBOT Advanced Settings " My Macros "
    3) Setup macro, so it presses "ENTER BUTTON HERE" every 3 seconds. - i used "D"
    4) Start bot.
    It is a little slow. Bot will loot the box however and get shit done. Box will spawn and it takes him i dunno 10 sec to register the box is even there.
    It will loot the item, and AUTO delete it so you can re-loot the next box which spawns.


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  22. [HORDE] 1-100 Lockpicking (quester)

    Head out to Ratchet - the ship near ratchet specifically. bot should run from anywhere though.
    Start the bot, and let him go.
    Load as quester.


       (1 review)



  23. Undead Warlock Voidwalker Quest

    Hey I through this together as I saw there wasn't one on here, simply start in Brill and let it play through, this is my first ever quest profile so if there are any problems just private message me or make a comment and I'll fix it as best as I can!


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  24. 1-13 Undead + Troll / Orc + Human 100% afk (Grinder)

    Took all the quests out from the paid version im working on once Droidz give me permission.

    Undead 1-13
    Orc + Troll 1-13
    When you are Undead - Bot will grind to 13, then it will automatically take Zeplin to Durotar and continue doing Grinding + Questing. Since this is a free version, no quests are added.
    In durotar, bot will grind to 13, then go get Org flight path, and then run to barrens and get flight path so you can train.
    Shouldnt be any bugs, if any please say so.
    level 11-13.. if you stop the bot and start it, it will always run to Org flight path. I am working on a fix to fix this as im unsure exactly how to do that hah. Uncheck it in the bot.


       (0 reviews)



  25. [Class Quest][Alliance] Rogue Poisons

    Possibly works on TBC/Wrath too.
    Fully automated, even saps the NPC, then loots the chest.
    I recommend doing this at level 25/26 or so.


       (1 review)

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