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[Free][Unfinished] 1-60 Horde Grinder 1.0.0

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About This File

Basically this is just an unfinished project with some class quests and all grinding routes to 60.
However, not all hotspots to 60 are correct, so you need to open this in quest editor after level 40 or so and correct the routes by adding hotspots to the quests to421, to422, to423.

The profile is finished. You just need to use the Quest Editor to add mob IDs and hotspots after level 40 or so.

This randomly switches between grinding areas every few minutes, so don't take spots too far apart. I meant to make this as an example for other people to use, so they could create more advanced grinders, but never finished it. Now it's up to you guys to use it as you please.

Edited by Matenia

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