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Posts posted by klunz

  1. Hey there guys!

    So I have recently returned to wow private servers and wanted to return botting. Previously I've only been using HB, and are not familliar to other bots, so in a hurry (maybe too much) I bought this bot ready to set off to automatic botting! 


    Ive been scrolling around the site for a few hours now, and have not managed to find a decent questing profile for 7.3.5 wow circle yet -.- Am I completely missing something here?

    I searched for the legions ones and i saw one profile that was made before legion even was out. How do I sort in these things, and are 7.3.5 ones even viable?

    I know that I can create my own profiles, but the point in buying the program was not to program it myself.

    I saw that there was lots of grinding profiles which basically just hits on mobs and that will take ages to even hit level 60, if I even get level 60 before the ban that is. 

    Is there anyone laying around with some decent lvling profiles, and kind enough to share them? 

    Sorry if this is a total potato thread, but this site can be fairly overwhelming when first coming in here, hope you take it all in good spirits. 


    -klunz, the botter stuck at lvl 2 quests

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