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Posts posted by cyberpunk

  1. So I noticed that WRobot has a certain taxi grid spread across the whole game.
    Now I noticed it will always follow the points pretty perfectly.
    In doing so the bot is more easily exposed.
    Especially when some weird twitchy walking is done at always the same spots, or peculiar non generic paths are taken.
    In Stormwind for example walking from the AH to the tram has some real weird pathing points.
    I noticed more of these, lets call them rough patches in the taxi grid.
    Is there anything I can do to improve and collaborate on this taxi grid and upload the newer version for everyone to use?

  2. Do private server hosts keep contact with each other when it comes to blacklisting according to:
    - email address
    - username
    - password / hash
    - character name
    - other identifiable information that might give away someone have been playing on a server by another host

    For example, jumping from Vanilla Gaming to Kronos and then to maybe Elysium.
    If anything is similar in one of these data points, in theory they could confirm a scripter.
    My question is, does anyone know or suspect any private server hosts sharing blacklists with other server hosts?

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