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Everything posted by yeplz

  1. So the problem I am having is that i am using a quester dungeon profile to farm a certain raid and to get out I kill myself. Now to the issue; while being dead this raid doesn't give me an actual corpse to have as an "hotspot" when spawning at the spirit healer to go to. It just stands there spamming [Resurrect] Player dead in the log and looking for a corpse to go to. I don't want to use spirit healer and get ressickness, is there anyway to overwrite the program from only trying to stand and ress? Can I use quester and make a run-code and force my characters to specific vectors somehow? Or can I override this with an plugin or is there any other easy fix for this? Easiest way to solve this for me would be able to cancel the [Resurrect] Player dead (spam) and just record waypoints to follow back into the raid instance somehow.
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