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  1. It was FireHack API not wow.
  2. I found scripts for automation that set functions for determining the position of objects based on ObjectPosition. However, this does not function in tbc. Is it possible to determine the position of an object in space in tbc? Example function InLOS(obj1, obj2) local x1, y1, z1 = ObjectPosition(obj1) local x2, y2, z2 = ObjectPosition(obj2) if not TraceLine(x1, y1, z1+2.25, x2, y2, z2+2.25, bit.bor(0x10, 0x100)) then return true end return false end
  3. Its API for tbc https://web.archive.org/web/20100105220335/http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api/UnitDebuff
  4. Please show an example of a simple check for the presence of a timer for debuff/buff.
  5. I want the function to determine whether my debaf is on the target and cast it even if there is such a debaf on the target but from another player.
  6. Is it possible to set a caster check in these functions? UnitDebuff("target","spellname",nil,"player") dont work in TBC.
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