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Everything posted by SOVATAR

  1. in the quest you have to kill and rotate the object on the corpse
  2. Who can do it and how much will it cost?
  3. bot does not accept Join BG if I turn it on on the bg, he also doesn’t run anywhere if I select a player in the cell, he will beat him server sirus
  4. wow he almost works but didn't find a solution you need to kill and use item on will figure out how to do it for me it does or kills or uses the item together does not
  5. how to do it removed the space does not work
  6. торгород.xml where could be the problem *?* something doesn't come out Id: 22262 - Objective count: 0, 0, 0, 0 - Time/Obj5: 0 - States: None - https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/quest=22262 () Id: 22271 - Objective count: 0, 0, 0, 0 - Time/Obj5: 0 - States: None - https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/quest=22271 () (kill 10 spirits)
  7. how to find the id of quests ? he has two quests I don't see them here
  8. easy quests editor there is a guide on how to do it EntryTarget.Add(82017); // Герри Клавайгер : https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/npc=82017 HotSpots.Add(new Vector3(2604.74f, 3033.36f, 80.5993f)); Target informations: Name: Аллери Солнечный Огонь (Entry: 82022 ) GetDynamicFlags = 0 GetUnitDynamicFlags = None WowClass = Warrior IsLocalPlayer = False IsBlacklisted = False UseRelativePosition = False ForceRelativePosition = False Position = 2733,16 ; 3000,27 ; 79,99716 ; "None" PositionWithoutType = 2733,16 ; 3000,27 ; 79,99716 ; "None" PositionRelativeWithoutType = 2733,16 ; 3000,27 ; 79,99716 ; "None" Health = 150746 MaxHealth = 150746 MyCharacterInFrontHim = False HealthPercent = 100 HealthRatio = 1 IsGoodInteractDistance = True InteractDistanceByEntry = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.Single] InteractDistance = 4,3 CombatReach = 1,5 IsSwimming = False IsFlying = False IsStunned = False AggroDistance = 0 Rotation = 2,522 Pitch = 0 CreatureTypeTarget = Гуманоид FactionTemplate = wManager.Wow.Helpers.WoWFactionTemplate Mana = 0 MaxMana = 0 ManaPercentage = 100 Rage = 0 MaxRage = 0 RagePercentage = 0 Focus = 0 MaxFocus = 0 FocusPercentage = 0 Energy = 0 MaxEnergy = 0 EnergyPercentage = 0 Chi = 0 MaxChi = 0 ChiPercentage = 0 Runes = 0 MaxRunes = 6 RunesPercentage = 0 RunicPower = 0 MaxRunicPower = 0 RunicPowerPercentage = 0 SoulShards = 150746 MaxSoulShards = 0 SoulShardsPercentage = 0 Eclipse = 0 MaxEclipse = 0 EclipsePercentage = 0 UnitClassification = normal IsElite = False IsWorldBoss = False HolyPower = 0 MaxHolyPower = 0 HolyPowerPercentage = 0 Alternate = 0 MaxAlternate = 0 AlternatePercentage = 0 DarkForce = 0 MaxDarkForce = 0 DarkForcePercentage = 0 LightForce = 0 MaxLightForce = 0 LightForcePercentage = 0 ShadowOrbs = 0 MaxShadowOrbs = 0 ShadowOrbsPercentage = 0 BurningEmbers = 0 MaxBurningEmbers = 0 BurningEmbersPercentage = 0 DemonicFury = 0 MaxDemonicFury = 0 DemonicFuryPercentage = 0 ArcaneCharges = 0 MaxArcaneCharges = 0 ArcaneChargesPercentage = 0 Faction = 2392 DisplayId = 15475 GetMove = False SpeedMoving = 0 GetDistance = 1,439694 GeHitBoxtDistance = 0 GetDistance2D = 1,439694 GetDistanceZ = 4,577637E-05 IsAlive = True IsDead = False IsLootable = False IsTaggedByOther = False TaggedByMe = False IsTapDenied = False IsMyPet = False HasTarget = False IsTargetingMe = False IsTargetingMyPet = False IsTargetingPartyMember = False IsTargetingMeOrMyPet = False IsTargetingMeOrMyPetOrPartyMember = False IsMyTarget = True IsMyPetTarget = False IsPartyMemberTarget = False IsMeOrMyPetTarget = True IsMeOrMyPetOrPartyMemberTarget = True Target = 0 TargetObject = (Object) : 0 : 0x00000000 : 0 : 0 Level = 83 IsBoss = False PetNumber = 0 Name = Аллери Солнечный Огонь DBCacheRow = 1844209184 UnitFlags = None UnitNPCFlags = Gossip, Questgiver Skinnable = False IsNpcSpiritHealer = False IsNpcRepair = False IsNpcVendor = False IsFlightMaster = False IsNpcInnkeeper = False IsNpcVendorFood = False IsAuctioneer = False IsNpcTrainer = False IsNpcWildPets = False Summon = 0 CreatedBy = 0 CreatedBySpell = 0 SummonedBy = 0 IsPet = False PetOwnerGuid = 0 InCombat = False InCombatFlagOnly = False InCombatWithMe = False CastingSpellId = 0 CastingSpell = (Id found: 0, Name found: , NameInGame found: , Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) CastingTimeLeft = 0 IsCast = False CanInterruptCasting = False IsMounted = False MountDisplayId = 0 TransportGuid = 0 TransportObject = (Object) : 0 : 0x00000000 : 0 : 0 InTransport = False Reaction = Hostile IsTracked = False IsOnTaxi = False NotSelectable = False IsAttackable = False PlayerControlled = False Silenced = False Rooted = False Influenced = False Confused = False Pacified = False Fleeing = False Possessed = False NpcMarkerId = 7 NpcFlightMastrerIsDiscover = True NpcMarker = BlueExclamation IsOutdoors = True IsIndoors = False IsPartyMember = False IsPartyLeader = False GetBaseAddress = 961019920 IsValid = True GetDescriptorStartAddress = 961024024 Guid = 17379392338123625209 Type = Unit Entry = 82022 Scale = 1 MinInteractDistance = 4,3 MaxInteractDistance = 50
  9. how to find the id of custom quests I play on camtom server sirus and there are daily quests I would like to register them in the bot
  10. есть инструкцыя как делать ?
  11. the player just hits with a weapon and applies buffs to himself correctly
  12. good time of day FightClass won't work for me and other things work https://sirus.one/ I play on this server and everything is fine on others
  13. тоже что то не получилась Druid_Feral_Leveling_ScripterQQ.xml
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