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Posts posted by tokdunder

  1. On 7/14/2020 at 9:44 AM, TheSmokie said:

    @Matenia I just put that there for what wotlk does, I like to repeat this saying to you that I’ve told billions of times, I only work on stuff for wrath, not tbc, not vanilla (might make grinders but that’s its.) not cata (cata just killed the whole wow franchise for me.) is my info is based off wrath of the lich kind. Anymore pointless arrogant insults for a pointless outcome?

    HAHAHAha i feel you my fellow mr Soco

  2. Just dont afk bot is all ?a
    List:1. 4-7 hours
    2.Buy alot of food yourself so bot doesnt fuck with npc to much
    3. Have some  3-5 gold for every new char.
    4. For gathering make your own gather way points and wolla you got skills
    5. Bot scripts like (quest/grinder) usually doesnt gather that good.
    What i was wondering doe. If they cant find this out then i can use 3 accounts if they do not catch one they cant know i use 3 accounts or?

    Ps. i got some info on what they can use for bot catching 90% sure. Hit me up in pm and we can talk there. (proof in some way you play there)

    Endless is ❤️

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