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Posts posted by blackrockspeculator

  1. the default mage fight class half the time targets the mob to attack stand there looks like a bot and doesn't cast....targets the next one casts pulls both mage dies.


    pally fight class after bubble stands there and dies.

    new people the 15 min demo is good once you buy major problem surface....think about it your buying a bot to be LAZY (the one time its ok to say this) that requires you learn and spend a lot of time learning the program....dont come here thinking this is a cure all....I only run my bots when I am in the same room



    dont even get me started on how bad they are stealth....I am fairly good at hiding my bot new people will get ban because the program is bad

  2. 4 minutes ago, Matenia said:

    You think the base bot should be free?
    You're absolutely fucking crazy and entitled if you think that. 

    Most bots never came with free profiles, rotations, etc. Especially not across 7 versions of wow that are fundamentally different.
    Interacting with the game, memory reading/writing/etc is the hardest part. None of the content creators on the forums are capable of that besides Droidz. He easily deserves the most money out of anyone.

    I do the product after purchase is not usable out of the box.

  3. look I get it droidz was trying to create a marketplace and I see his model to attract developers and all.

    1) make the client free

    2)the market place idea works but make the product work out of the box. I will say it....I don't want to learn this program....because I shouldn't have to...i got the bot to make thing easy


  4. bottom line Wrobot is good but it should be free out of the box with no 15 min timer thing


    new people beware...the demo quester profiles seem great and they are until lvl 15....but then they assume they have sucked you in for the bot purchase....you need to spend more money and time learning this program(who wants that? the whole reason we bot is to be LAZY)

    new people stay away unless you want to spend more 

  5. guys bottom line people want a working product out of the box its annoying and I have invested a good deal of time. have a 5 click and go system thats easy to use.

    have a basic free quester 1-60 for horde alliance that actually works. (yes GMs will crack it and ban ppl but it will create a need for different stealth questers people can charge for)

    working fight classes(I remember when i first got wrobot it came with none.......)

    basic hardwired changes like a lvl 30 will never step into high levels zones for pathing even for mineral nodes.

    have the option that has professions progress its stops mining copper. with out have to fucking type case sensitive names(it gets old) 

  6. the mage fight class right of the box tries to auto attack half the mobs and says its out of range for a fire spell walks around looks like a bot. 


    you specify creature proximity to 0 it still rushes into a pack of three


    pally fight class after bubble doesn't start attacking again


    after your bot rezes it runs into a pack of thee mobs and dies agaun

  7. 1 minute ago, OMGhixD said:

    Actually, i started from scratch by making my own grinding profiles and own fightclasses, it just requires a lot of start, stop, edit, start stop edit. After about 30 minutes you get a decent end result

    oh I do all that they still suck....for example I have two lvl 31 human warrior everything identical between client and game....one of the bots on a programed run to Arathi goes and dies in badlands for 6 hours. other makes it no big deal

  8. You write a grinder for arathi....your guy ends up dead for 6 hours in burning steeps. Not trying to mine and had no gathering skills.....to think we are paying for this????


    To think this kid was trying to build a marketplace where you would have to buy profiles from content creators even after buying the bot.....make it working out of the box WTF???

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